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Old 12-06-2002, 09:54 PM   #24
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Originally posted by ultraflo
Is that why they fill up a ballon before inhaling that stuff? they don't freeze thier lungs?

If you inhale that stuff right off the tank at 1000psi I hate to think of the consequences. I'm not up to par on inhaling N20... please edu-ma-cate me.

How does the dentist use it?
The regulator controls the flow. I doubt anyone would survive a 1000 psi blast, whether it was nitrous or oxygen. But, at a much slower, controlled rate, it is simply a sleeping gas.

Those that inhale either take and hold a large hit (doesn't work very well), or they inhale deeply, and exhale, and inhale, and exhale, etc, basically hyper-ventilating with nitrous. This has dangerous effects.

About 23 or 24 years ago, when I was a young teen, this was a popular recreational hobby. I only did it a few times, but I was around others doing it quite a bit. The thing that made me stop doing it so soon was the last "experience" I had on it. i had taken 10 or 12 fast hits, and then stood up quickly. While standing, I felt great, but something bothered me. I couldn't understand how it was that the ground just came up and hit me! I was minding my own business, and wham! up it came and hit me. Others said I fell over, but I remember it clearly, and I didn't fall. I would swear to this, to this day, except that I know it's not possible.

Anyway, that was enough for me. I started hanging out with the racers and learned what nitrous was really for.

Take care,
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Jim Porter Racing
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