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Old 03-04-2003, 12:21 AM   #5
Unit 5302
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Join Date: May 1999
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Default Yeah... That's what I said...

Originally posted by tireburner163
KellyBean, LMAO

He got pissed and left MW some time ago. Basicly called most of us a bunch of blankidy blanks and left.

Wish he was still around.

Interestingly poor paraphrasing, and it ticks me off, actually. The worst word I said in that post was s**t, which I believe I only used once, and the worst word I used to refer to anybody was "loser." I also clarified I was talking about a minority. I don't know if posting this blatent misrepresentation of truth was an attempt to get me to post or what? Not to mention you then linked me to this thread via AIM, otherwise I may never have seen it. I'm not a fan of being manipulated, just for the record.

Seems as though one of my complaints about how people perceive my posts is still accurate. My posts are automatically made out to be way more angry and abusive than they are intended. With all the people asking for me to come back recently, this just goes to reinforce my reasoning on why I left.

Unit 5302 is just a bane on my happiness here.

Now to address the important part of this thread. Sorry I haven't been around much, Jodi. I'm still loggin in on AIM, shouldn't be hard to find me there. I'll shoot you an email to say what's up.
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