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Old 07-31-2003, 04:38 PM   #1
Huh? Whatcha said?
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Fayetteville, NC
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Default Just want to vent a little.

I have a friend of mine that runs a Camaro and Firebird shop, and for now I am working with them. For the longest time I have been trying to start my own shop, and since they have NO interest in Mustangs, I thought asking them for advice wouldn't be a bad idea.

Anyway, I offered to build a web site and run it, if they would back me as a silent partner, and so on, until I could be independant. They kicked it around and came back with a counter offer. Tell me what you think of this:

They would give me the web space I needed to get the site off the ground, and I would set up all the accounts, manage the site, take all the orders and so on so forth. Here's the kicker, I would STILL be concidered an employee, and I would only get 10% of the profits, and they would own the company name and all that jazz.

Here's the problem. Since I have started selling a few things, mainly MAC products and such, they have started offering MAC products........for Mustangs. It's enough to piss ya off, ain't it?

Great friends, huh? I should be so lucky to havve them.

2003 GT White---STOLEN
May you burn in hell whoever took it. Dumbazz didn't even get the good engine that was in the garage.
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