Thread: Gay Marriage
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Old 04-18-2004, 02:35 PM   #9
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Originally posted by d_lyp
Which is exactly why they should be able to. Marriage is a legal act, and as such the bible, and your, or any other God, aren't permitted to affect the laws of the land. Something about the separation of church and state.

Not allowing two consenting adults to marry because of their sexual preference, race, or religious background is nothing more than discrimination. Athiests can get married, why not a couple of queers that truly love each other? 50% of straight marriages end in divorce, so if you want to tackle the issue religiously, go after the "bad" 50% first.
I'm not attacking anything, RBatson asked how we felt, and that's how I feel. I believe homosexuality is wrong, and I also believe that taking the covenant of marriage between a man, a woman, and God and bringing homosexuality into it is a joke. Fine if you and your same sex partner want equal rights as a married couple, but then call it something else, don't squander the word marriage.

See below the definition of marriage...

Main Entry: mar·riage
Pronunciation: 'mer-ij, 'ma-rij
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marry
1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law
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