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Old 09-25-2004, 01:09 PM   #52
Mr 5 0
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Lightbulb The Great Political Divide

Originally posted by Mach 1

You are way more interested, informed, and passionate about politics than I am or care to be. You make valid points, and I do not wish to debate this subject. Just seems like you dont see any good at all to the "liberal" viewpoint, and I think they have some good points as well.

Too bad we cant find a happy medium for everybody.
Thanks for the compliment and you're right, with very rare exceptions, I don't find much to like or endorse in the liberal political viewpoint. I think so-called 'liberal' political policies have done much harm to our nation in many areas, which is why I oppose that point of view. I have to.

From abortion-on-demand to ever-higher taxes to restricting our freedoms with failed policies such as gun control to the destruction of our once-fine public school system with PC nonsense and other major errors. From the transformation of our college campuses from places of learning and exploration of ideas into liberal indoctrination centers where nothing but leftist dogma is tolerated, to the corsening of our popular culture and the resulting disrespect for our country, it's flag and it's people: it is my studied opinion that 'liberalism' (leftism, really) has done harm to this country.

Conservatism and liberalism are on two sides of an enormous divide (think of the Grand Canyon) and as they are basically opposed to each other's philosophy and ideology, there can be no 'happy medium'. You cannot mix oil and water and have a resulting 'happy medium' liquid that is not half one and half the other. They don't mix. Neither do liberal and conservative political ideology and philosophy. Hence, I remain a conservative and will oppose liberal political ideas whenever I find them and have the time to do so. Thus it ever was.
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