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Old 09-29-2004, 02:28 PM   #56
Mr 5 0
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Thumbs up Re: my 2 cents

Originally posted by nastyn8:

I am not a total wiz on the government, but I am thankful for every freedom I have. Sure never will everybody agree on what the government does.
Heck, we can't even agree on whether or not we like the new 2005 Mustang design.

One of the only things I really disagree with is the Justice system. Why is it that sex offenders and drugs dealers get off as easy as they do. I live in the meth capital of Illinois. People get busted in my town for manufacturing and other heavy drug charges and within a year they're back on the streets. It just doesnt seem right.
It isn't.

A combination of prison overcrowding, too-liberal judges who seem to believe that drug use is a 'victimless crime' plus the fact that a lot of drug crimes are plea - bargained down to far less serious offenses all adds up to drug criminals getting away with far too much.

Public schools is another thing. I just recently graduated high school and I'm currently attending a local junior college. I have came to the conclusion that most teachers in the K-12 range are just baby sitters. There are only a few of my former teachers I have respect for. About 75% of the time we were just given busy work so we weren't bothering the teacher.
Public school teachers are protected by powerful unions and tenure that makes the poor ones almost impossible to get rid of. Even the 'good' teachers are encumbered by the school systems fear of lawsuits and so, discipline goes out the window, real teaching is made more difficult and many teachers just give up (if they ever tried to teach at all) and coast along as the baby-sitters' that you characterized. I know, I have a good friend who is a public high school teacher and really tries hard to engage her classes (History and English) but is often thwarted by unruly students and school restrictions.

Anyway back to the freedom part, I love having the choice of going on to college instead of having to go work in a factory making peanuts like in other dictatorship, communist and 3rd world countries.
A lot of people don't realize their freedoms because most of us Americans are spoiled. Face it we are.
I agree.

Mr 50, I respect your knowledge and point of views. I agree with you on the Bible being incorrect due to translation and such, but I am a firm believer in God and Jesus. Everyone has a plan they don't know about.
I apprecate your kind words but when it comes to my views on the bible, I think you have me confused with someone else. I am a fundamentalist Christian and firmly believe that the bible was ordained by God, is not corrupted by man's will or bad translations and is the inerrent Word of God. I have argued that point of view many times.

Another way I look at sitting aroung arguing about something on the internet isn't really going to solve anything.
The point of posting our opinions on the internet is not to 'solve' things because - as you correctly understand - an internet argument cannot accomplish that. I post to state my personal point of view, to correct lies and what I consider false assumptions and conclusions of others and to get whatever message I may have on any specific issue out to many more people than I ever could one-to-one. I find the internet to be a valuable form of mass communication that I use daily and that I enjoy reading and posting on.

The fact that you've been reading the posts in this thread, have considered them and have your own opinions on some of the issues raised that compelled you to post simply proves my point.

I agree about immigration being a bad issue but could you imagine being in one of these immigrants shoes. I know I wouldn't want to live in China, Ethiopia, Russia, Cuba or any of these countries within dictatorship. It's the immigrants that come to our country to do nothing other for terrorist purposes that are the ones to give the bootin to.
No argument there.

Maybe if everyone got a taste of other country's freedoms they would change their minds on being disrespectful towards America.
One hopes.

Well thats all I got to say about that.

And well-said it was. Thank you, Nathan.

Please post again.
5.0 Mustang Owner
1990 - 2005
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