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Old 11-10-2005, 04:19 PM   #14
Mr 5 0
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Smile Letting it go

Originally Posted by 82 GT

A quick little grammer lesson here: The word "politics" is not goverment specific, although, it's the definition most people are most familiar with.

It also means: Social relations involving authority or power , which is relative to the above discussion.

Ok, class dismissed!
Your 'lesson' might have been more effective had you spelled 'grammar' correctly. It's a bit difficult to take someone seriously when they presume to 'teach' another poster about word usage and then begin their post with a conspicuous mistake in their own spelling, just four words in. Perhaps the would-be 'teacher' needs a remedial spelling course.

That problematic issue aside, I still see nothing 'political' in the post in question, no matter what definition you may choose to employ. At best, it's a stretch. However, I am aware that such esoteric adventures in syntax are of little use to most folks. So, while I disagree with your use of the word 'political' to describe my previous comments, I can agree to simply file it under: 'Who Cares?' and by doing so, just let it go.

Note to Ryan

If you got me drunk you probably wouldn't be able to understand me at all. Better to leave well enough alone.
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