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Old 01-08-2001, 07:50 AM   #13
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There was a case a few years ago dealing with studded tires. Apparently someone just wanted 2 studded tires on their minivan and it spun out going around a curve. The family of the victim(s) sued the tire store and won big time. I've questioned local tire places about this and almost all of them said they will not sell only 2 studded tires to FWD customers. Some will sell 2 to RWD. As far as the Blizzaks go I don't know if that same policy holds true but common sense should dictate. How much more would it cost vs. your personal safety? I think Tire Rack is just looking at protecting themselves from a possible lawsuit and if anything it probably says wonders about Blizzak. (Course I've never owned them).
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