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Old 05-09-2001, 09:13 PM   #48
The Dude
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The Z06 isn't badly engineered, its a great car, and they seem to have tossed some that engineering down into the camaro in the latest model year. But they can't keep that up for long, as they are making VERY little profit on the camaro in this model year (why do you think they are killing it?), the only reason that they are doing this is to try and get some buyer loyalty. end of story. GM in general has been having a LOT of trouble lately (past 15 odd years), thats indisputable. They have tried many things to try and improve their image, but they have soooo many problems its very hard. More than half of the cars they sell are to fleet operations (rental car companies, corporate offices, etc. people that just want it CHEAP), they have lived on those sales and their MASSIVENESS over the past 15 years. THe corvette is the premier of GM, and as of late, the camaro is RIGHT behind it, but the rest of GM cars are absolute crap. They are horribly built and made with bad parts. They are built badly cause they don't treat the employees well, and bad parts cause they badger their suppliers (plastic companies, metal companies, etc). GM is in a lot of trouble and, as i said before, the new fast camaro is just an attempt to get buyers, they don't make much on it. GM actually LOOSES money on EVERY softop cavalier they sell! something around 1k! and they had to drop one of their longstanding divisions.

Someone up there ^^^ said that its not a problem with the engineers, but the marketing people who destroy the designs, you may very well be right! but the fact is thats killing the company, and has been doing so very slowly for years.

What i'm saying is:
The camaro is faster, but its going away, and its quality isn't really a testament to the rest of the company, cause its somewhat a flagship, and a tool for their marketing people.
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