Thread: I AM SO MAD!!!
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Old 09-23-2001, 11:21 PM   #2
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I totally agree!! I watched an undercover report tonight on CNN where a woman went undercover in Afganistan. The citizens there where repressed beyond believe, I don't think they see the US as the enemy. Its the terrorist, the taliban. Public executions, no medicines, murdering whole cities.. I'm sure Muhammed told the taliban to kill and skin innocent civilians.

I'm so sick of hearing about whats going to happen! I want to see it! I want the terrorist hunted down and exucuted, all of them!! Yes, Saddam! You too! I say, we should take care of the terrorist and forget the middle east(except Israel). Keep an eye on them so that they aren't a threat to us. Keep intelligence on them and that's it. Let them take care of themselves!
Don't let anyone else from the middle east in the country. Go get your education in Saudi!
As far as the guys sueing for being escorted off the planes, I'd think in light of the current circumstances, its not out of line. Many may think so but I don't. If they win any law suit then I think that would be an injustice. What about some of the families that lost loved ones in this horrible attack, some are wanting to sue the airlines! If you want to sue someone, sue the Taliban! I understand its a great horrible loss, it shouldn't have happened. It just sickens me to hear what some people want to do. Its an attack on our country for crying out loud!! GRRR!!!!!
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