Thread: I AM SO MAD!!!
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Old 09-23-2001, 11:23 PM   #3
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All our diplomacy has left the world not respecting us. They just need a reminder of what us THE ENEMY is capible of. Its not that we cant fight each other, or put our women and children out on the streets to starve, or murder and skin people in the next town. Its because we're civilized and have moved out of the dark ages. Close the borders, ship out those with expired visas,so those of us with citizenship can work, and put the students(Berkly) who oppose our unity under one flag in a bus ship em to NY and let them pull the bodies out of the World Trade Center. Let them sift thru the wreckeage for body parts of inocent civilians. I'll be dammed if I'll support those people(Berkley/Terrorists)while living in a country that has provided safety for me and my family.That security has been paid for by those who have died and lived fighting EVIL. Like Bush said we wont distinct between those who did this and those who support it. 90% say kill there a$$. The other ten percent just happen to get on TV and make us look like we're weak. SHAME ON YOU! Dont know what they are teaching kids in that school but maybe we should look into it. Sorry im mad as hell. I love this country and the hard working people who do there part. The rest just drag us down. Get out if you dont like USA. Friggen hipocrits,just leave.
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