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Old 10-09-2001, 11:32 AM   #1
Huh? Whatcha said?
bigwhitecobra's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Fayetteville, NC
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Wink Mountains are fun

I know this isn't exactly street racing, but in a way it is.

This past week end I went camping in the mountains with my father in law. We mainly went driving around and checking out the views. Getting back to nature and all. Well, we both love to take every little cow path we come across, so it came as now surpirze that on this one road(if you can call it that), we had to ford several creeks and climb the side of a mountain with atleast an 18% grade. By the way this was in the Focus. No way in hell I would ever take my little baby through that stuff.

Anyway, the car looks like we spent the weekend chasing Colin McRae through the hills.
One of these days I'll take a camera and film this one road. It's 6-7 miles of constant, banked, sharp curves. I've never seen a road like it anywhere. I wish I could take you all to it and let you have at it, but we know how it goes when you like something. The local government would have us all strung up and it just wouldn't be good.

Ok, for the time being, I'm done. I'll post more later, if this doesn't get moved or something. Take care, later.
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