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Old 10-18-2001, 08:29 PM   #13
Mr 5 0
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Posing questions regarding political events is fine with me, but some judgement must be used here, as well as common sense.

Just as we don't need to debate if 'There really was a Holocaust' or if Martin Luther King was a communist agent, or any number of other improbable theories I've seen over the years, we don't need to debate absurd concepts like this latest 'Jews were in on the WTC attack' nonsense.

There are plenty of weird groups posing inane and absurd 'theories' regarding who was responsible for Sept. 11th; so what?
I've seen some groups that claim the CIA 'planned the whole thing' to 'make President Bush look good' and other similar trash.
Sorry, but folks can pursue those kind of nut-case claims somewhere else.

Reasonable discussion is welcomed here - some facts in hand to back up claims would be welcomed too - but we are not open to debating absurd trash from weird groups that send anonymous e-mails making vicious claims against another country. We have to consider the source.

If the KKK sends me an E-mail claiming 'blacks' were behind the WTC attack, I'm not going to give it any credence and feel it needs to be 'discussed' here or elsewhere.

There are other places that might welcome these kind of discussions based on anonymous e-mails that make totally unfounded, unsupportable and far-fetched claims of mass murder by the state of Israel.

There is no mystery to be solved here;
The evidence is quite clear as to who planned, paid for and carried out the September 11th attack on the World Trade center, the Pentagon and other would-be U.S. targets. It wasn't Israel, it was Arabs; directed by Osama bin Laden and supported by various Arab states. This is proven fact.

We can play the conspiracy game (ala JFK, MLK, etc) forever but the source of the attack the U.S. suffered on September 11th was Arab. I see no point or value in 'debating' what is already established fact.

Mr. 5.0
Messageboard Administrator
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