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Old 10-29-2001, 01:10 PM   #11
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Comox, BC, Canada
Posts: 119

Dude, skin cancer? What fairy tails have you been reading? How does exaust smoke give you skin cancer.... Yes......... ok.........

The reason they don't bring those cars up here is because there is no market for them. In australia, each car company maybe has 1 econo model that they sell. ONE! They aren't a bunch of gas worrying puss1es down there. Up here it's different, economy class sells. Maybe it's because the US has tons more people, so the range of car buyers is just larger. Or maybe muscle is dead. Who knows, but I do know that for a country totalying 7 million people, they can afford to be a lot more focused on what they build. And with no emissions standards, that means BIG POWERFULL TORQUING MACHINES. This country did not go all pu$$y during the 80s. There was no such thing as a MustangII in Australia. They kept building them big, and powerfull.

I will say something right now, if NA ever does anything stupid like ban internal combustion engines, or make us all drive pu$$y econocars, I'm moving down under mate!

BTW: The prices for all these cars are very midrange, only about what it would cost you for a new GT or z-28 up here. BUT WITH A LOT MORE HORSEPOWER!
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