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Old 06-10-2001, 11:20 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Exclamation Cell Phone Users! (Sun-Com)

Just thought I'd pass this along..

I've had Sun-Com for almost a year now and decided I really wasn't using it enough to justify the $78 a month I was spending. So I decided to call and tell them to just cancel my service at the end of the contract. They asked why and all that and then said I had to send them a written notice. "A WRITTEN NOTICE?!" Yes sir! It must be 30 days in advanced too!! Luckily, I have 34 days and I just wrote my "notice" to them. If you don't send them a written notice... YOUR CONTRACT RENEWS FOR ANOTHER YEAR!! You are then stuck with that contract/rate for another year- SunCom policy. (I've had service with a couple of other companies and never heard of such a thing.)

I asked "I bet you have alot of irrate customers when that happens!" Yes sir, then we just point out that they initialed it on their contract and that should have been pointed out at the time.. "Well I'll be sure to ask that little detail next time I decide to get a cell phone"

I don't remember initialing anything like that but.. that was almost a year ago. I told my mom about it because my dad has Sun-Com service. She couldn't believe it. I told her if dad decides to drop it and get a different service, he's stuck. She is gonna see when his contract is up and deal with it..

Cell Phone Users.. BEWARE!

My 89lx(updated 2/21/2001)
My 97 Cobra
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