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Mr 5 0 05-11-2002 09:35 AM

Cops forever

Your youthful experiences with the police are interesting but I see two things.

First, your last traffic hassle was almost 15 years ago (much like my last ticket) which dims the emotional impact quite a bit and of course, (secondly), you're older and more mature and can see the 'big picture' which seems clear as glass, now, as you explain it. Cops wanted to keep the cruisers away and they hassled you to make it unpleasant to be there.

I agree that many of the stories we see on this board regarding police 'harrassment' may be very one-sided and leave out some important facts, but it's the internet and you have to understand that no one ever is 100% honest about these situations, especially if they wish to make a point. I get that.

A lot of the problems younger people may encounter with cops often comes from getting an attitude; you know, No one tells ME what to do that guarantees trouble when you pull it on a law officer. Understood.

The problem with these long threads that stretch out over many days is that points get lost and people forget what others said or just miss the point, entirely. I made my point, many times here, that overall, cops are necessary and decent people doing an important job. I have no problem with police, but I recognize their weaknesses and I know they sometimes fail to use reasonable judgement, especially with young people.

My real argument was against the folks who fall back on 'They could be killed' as a response to accusations of police misconduct or even unreasonableness. I don't appreciate bumper-sticker slogans being used as an argument and I attempt to shred that kind of knee-jerk non-thinking response whenever I see it.

In any case, I'm growing weary of the subject and would like to leave this thread. We've seen some interesting points raised and had a good discussion but I've pretty much expressed all I have to add to the debate at this point.

I appreciate your comments and your sharing your experiences to help illuminate the subject a bit more. We always welcome thoughtful input here, Chis, so thanks for yours.

srv1 05-11-2002 09:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)
i figure i would throw my .02 cents in:

PKRWUD 05-11-2002 09:59 AM


LOL, that's one of my favorite one liners! Go figure.


Agreed. I guess I just missed where someone was justifying that kind of behavior with the "dangerous job" angle. Either way, this horse is certainly ready to be put out to pasture.

Take care,

Mr 5 0 05-11-2002 12:15 PM

Cops final episode

Check the first page in the thread.

In reference to the mention of how dangerous police work can be, Kell asked why cops think they deserve a 'pat on the back' just for doing their job.

'Jeb Bush' responded:

Because every time they put on that badge...every time they pull someone over for any reason...any time they respond to any kind of call...there is a chance they will die.

Things kind of took off from that point.

PKRWUD 05-11-2002 01:53 PM

Thanks for taking the time to point that out, but I guess I just don't read that the same way you do. I think cops do deserve a pat on the back for doing their job. I think firefighters do too. In fact, there are several professions that I feel that way about.

Perhaps we had a different take on the term "pat on the back"? I'm not sure, but it really doesn't matter anymore. I know where you stand, and the ground looks pretty agreeable to me.

Take care,

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