Thread: My Avatar
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Old 06-17-2002, 10:45 AM   #19
Yay for Chickys
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Default Re: Avatars

Originally posted by Mr 5 0

Let me get this straight.

You posted an avatar of a big-breasted woman in a red, low-cut, sexy racers outfit next to your name on an internet messageboard. A board that's populated by 90% (young) men and you're really surprised - and annoyed - that a few of them either believed the photo was you or pretended to think it was and made some suggestive remarks about it?

I've seen some borderline offensive stuff as avatars that we've let pass but a photo of a 'hot babe' as an avatar for a female MW member just invites suggestive remarks from easily excitable guys. Is this news to you? C'mon!

We monitor the forums pretty well and don't allow offensive material to stay up but when you post that kind of photo on a site that has hundreds of visitors every day that have no clue who 'Mustangbelle306' really is, you have to expect some leering feedback from a few misguided people. It's still the internet.

I would advise you and anyone else to whom it may concern that you think about what you place up on the site as an avatar and remember that many of the newbies and visitors won't know anything about you and so that avatar becomes 'you' for some of them.
Actually, yes...I was really surprised that I did elicit that type of response, considering that you and I both know that MW is a MUCH more courteous site than 90% of the messageboards, especially those dealing with cars.

Also, the PMs I recieved were NOT from regular members, so that's why I posted this thread, to clarify...And you are correct, I should have noticed that recently there seems to have been an influx of new members that would not be familiar with my feisty self...I guess it didn't cross my mind until now

Nah, no one really offended me, I wouldn't even really say annoyed, it was more surprising than anything! Thanks for the offer though, I appreciate the protection I will most certainly never post anything like that again, the whole idea was brought on by Pokey's avatar of the Hooters buddy icon...hey I never said my sense of humor was that sharp!!
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