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WADS56 12-20-2002 08:04 AM

? about people and CHRISTmas
I am just wondering something here. Why is everyone saying X-mas? Do people not believe in Christ, or is this a bad habbit, Or is it just eaiser to type? I'm not raggin on anyone I'm just curious about this. To ME it seems disrespectful because they are taking Chirst out of what the holiday stands for.

Please no flames or stories on how you think religion is crap. I 'm just curious if people do this out of a bad habbit, or if it is intentional because you don't believe.


NotchJohnson 12-20-2002 08:12 AM

I think the x is meant to resemble a cross.

PKRWUD 12-20-2002 10:28 AM

Well, I don't believe in God. I do believe some dude named Jesus probably hung out a couple thousand years ago and ate a lot of fish (I have seen where he "walked on water", and there are now stones just above the waterline), but I still write out the full title out of respect anyway (don't want to insult the true Christmas Gods, aka: Hallmark). I think it's just a sign of lazyness. I wouldn't get to worked up about.

Take care,

tireburner163 12-20-2002 11:12 AM

"X" is the greek symbol for Christ, so it's not disrespectful.

Eric4Nitrous 12-20-2002 11:18 AM

i've always wondered that myself. I come from a pretty religious family. So it kind of bothers me. But i can't change everybody's mind.

0h n0 5.0 12-20-2002 11:52 AM

yea , I beleive thatt the latin spelling of christ is something like
Xritos but i beleive in the good ol white bread spelling CHRISTMAS..the reason for the season.

Fox Body 12-20-2002 12:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, there are a few different reasons why "X" may be used instead of "Christ", but the day Decembr 25th was celebrated long before Christ was born (and not in honor of Christ--- it was a pagan holiday)....

Now Christmas is spelled in Greek with the letters Chi-rho-iota-sigma-tau-omicron-upsilon-gamma-epsilon-nu-nu-alpha.

*To see how it looks spelled in Greek, check out the attachment.*

Yes the "X" or "chi" is nearly identical to the "X" in English and it is the first letter of the word in the Greek equivalent to Christmas. I think, however, there is a lot of personal reasons x is used instead of Christ:
--- laziness
--- abbreviation of Christ (whatever the motive)
--- purpose in taking away the "religious" aspect of Christmas (crossing out or x-ing out Christ)
--- I actually believe some people would rather call it "Santamas"

Anyway, the holiday is used by many Christians to celebrate the birth (or incarnation) of Christ even though it is not factual that he was born on December 25th, but is an evolution (I hesitate to use the word) of the pagan holiday for worshipping Tammuz, the son of Semiramis, wife of Nimrod and was observed in honor of his (Tammuz) birth (check your history books...). Also, it is more likely (IMO) that Jesus Christ was born in the spring and not winter...

Personally, I will continue refering to the holiday as "Christmas" and reflect on the gift of Christ... I could care less about Santa, really... (...some of you may feel the same way about Christ...)

jj_jonathon 12-20-2002 12:33 PM

to me Christmas isnt even about Christ anymore...its just a wonderful to for family when we get to give excitement and receive stuff too...i think its fun and a warming time of the its just about being a holiday and a good reason to be with family...

The Deuce 12-20-2002 01:07 PM

If y'all are selling that the 'X' is for Christ or the cross, I'm not buying. Not in a society that has communities petitioning against opening a YMCA because they are a "Christian Orginization. " Now I for one had almost forgoten that the acronym stands for "Young Men's Christian Associaiton" or something like that.

You are correct in pointing out that the Christmas holiday was originally a pagan celebration. Heck, even the tree was a pagain symbol. There is a reason that it comes a couple of days after the shortest day of the year, and the symbol for it is an evergreen. Don't have the time to go into it now though.

I'll look into the timing of things, and see if I can't give a better anwer as to when Jesus was actually born. Will be sometime this weekend.

Merry Christmas!

srv1 12-20-2002 08:41 PM

i dont believe in god myself. I use X mas because i dont believe in "christ". also it is easier to spell out and everyone knows what it means. i thought "x" was another way to say it without using the word christ.

mustangII460 12-20-2002 09:31 PM



Greek or whatever...

Jesus Rules!

And may God Bless all of you and your loved ones, this and every year!

PKRWUD 12-21-2002 08:25 AM


Originally posted by The Deuce
I'll look into the timing of things, and see if I can't give a better anwer as to when Jesus was actually born. Will be sometime this weekend.

Merry Christmas!

My understanding is that it was sometime in June, but with the latest find of what might have been a mention of him, it's all speculative.

Topless In Texas 12-21-2002 10:21 AM

Interesting thread....

Ya, for myself, its just laziness....guess thats a bad habit I picked up a long time ago....I too, come from a VERY RELIGIOUS mother. Although I dont actively go to church, have not been in years, I believe in God, and the reason for the Season.
Another reason I have done it for years is a problem that ya'll prolly dont have......I always write 'Merry Christine'....then I have to go back and correct it!!! :rolleyes: Thats even a worse habit!:) (really)

It was never meant as a disrespect, although I can see how it can be taken as one...Good points brought up here, and intersting too....


69fastback 12-21-2002 12:06 PM

I never really liked the whole X mas thing I always thought it was just pure lazyness which i really hate. I am from a pretty religous family myself and my mom hated it.

I didn't know that it was greek or anything like that. I don't think most people know that. I think people do it just cuz it is convienant for them. I myself find it disrespect full.

Dark_5.0 12-21-2002 01:34 PM

Its pathetic how all the non-believers suddenly convert in times of crisis or unavoidable doom.

If you have lived your whole life denying the love of God why stop when the end is near.

HotRoddin 12-21-2002 02:57 PM


Originally posted by Topless In Texas
Interesting thread....

Ya, for myself, its just laziness....guess thats a bad habit I picked up a long time ago

I agree ... when i do it, it's not out of any disrespect. Although i guess in reality it is disrespectful. During the season you have to write Christmas a gajillion times and xmas is just a shortcut. When i was working in electronics everybody always wrote xformer for transformer because you had to write of type it a hundred times a day and by the end of the day it saved you a alot of typing.
No disrespect or hidden meaning here, just pure unadulterated laziness. :(

2FastLX 12-21-2002 04:29 PM

If I ever do it it's because I am feeling lazy. It's not out of disrespect. I wake up Christmas morning every year and wish Jesus a happy B-Day <~~ lazyness :D

silver_pilate 12-21-2002 07:24 PM

I am a Christian, which doesn't mean that I attend such-and-so church or am part of the so-and-such denomination. Being a Christian means that I believe in and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the son of the Living God.

That being said, I really don't care how you write Christmas. I know what it means to me. Sure, I put up a tree, decorate it, sing silly carols about Santa and other hoopla...that has become part of my traditions. I spend tons of money which I really can't afford to spend to buy presents for my family. I check out the holliday sales. I guess that means I buy into the materialism of modern Christmas. However, that doesn't detract from the meaning behind it for me. So what if Christ wasn't born on December 25th? So what if he didn't have a decorated tree. So what if he didn't wrap up some presents in boxes and mail them to his uncle, aunt, grandma, and grandpa the week before Christmas. It's enough that he was born. THAT's what I celebrate. That along with his life and his sacrifice.

If you don't belive in God or Jesus Christ, that's your choice. That's one thing that sets America apart from many countries, because no-one (hopefully) is going to come and throw you in jail because of it. But I know why I celebrate. I know why I look to the sky on Christmas Eve night and say a prayer of thanks. Thankyou God, and God bless.


Topless In Texas 12-21-2002 08:42 PM

That was very well said!

I dont know if I mentioned, my boss of the last 19 years (him and his wife own my shop, and both cut hair), is a Baptist Evangelist. He is one of the 4 sons of Freddie Gage, out of Grapevine, TX.(Dallas area) who is a very well known Evangelist for many, many years, throughout the country....

The are good Christian people, and I have learned ALOT from them!! I was only 18 when I started working for them, and his wife (10 years older than me) has been my mentor and MY own Saviour and role model and the really only Postitive female influence in my life...although I dont feel I can honestly say that I am a Christian, I thank God all the time for them and the influence they had on my life. Christmas is always special to me when it comes to them. I respect them, and appreciate all they have done for me over the years. :)

I'm w/ you, I just got back from Spending money I dont have, and of corse we get into all the tree and the Santa Stuff, and the presents....but if we didn't, then we would all not be stressed out now...and whats this time of year w/out a little stress?? :D

Unrelated: My ulcer has not acted up yet this year......the ADVANTAGE of divorce!!! no more MUTHERINLAW!! ;) hehe......

anyways....Nathan, I just wanted to tell you that You are alot wiser than your years, and I think its cool.....:cool: Have a Wonderful Holiday!!!! :D
:cool:TNT :cool:

BTW: Ijust caught myself while sending an email, writing Xmas...its done so easily...funny, since this thread, I caught myself and changed it...

silver_pilate 12-22-2002 04:41 PM


Thankyou, TNT. That means alot to me.

Merry Christmas.


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