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82 GT 11-23-2002 12:57 AM

I would say Eminem is better compared to Howard Stern.
Howard says what's on his mind without "sugar coating" it regardless of what anyone thinks.
Eminem is the same way but just puts his words into rymes and could care less what anyone thinks of his music.
If you listen to enought of his songs, he even tells you that in them.
A lot of people hate Eminem and Stern because they are so bold and outright and a lot of people love them for the exact same reasons.
Both are worth millions today and don't give two shits what the critics have to say about them. Meanwhile the rest of us slugs punch a time card everyday wishing we were worth millions like the the same people we hate.
It's human nature to reject anything or anyone we don't understand.
Everyone though Albert Einstien was crazy at first because he was so intelligent and actually ahead of his time. They had no idea what he was talking about half the time only because they were not nearly half as intelligent as he was.
To sum it all up, you must first understand what you don't know before you can make judgement.

MidNiteBlu 5.0 11-23-2002 01:12 PM

I dont hate him. I dont care if he speaks his mind thats how it should be. I just think rap is the worst "music" out there.

Howard Stern is funny BTW

82 GT 11-23-2002 06:55 PM


Originally posted by MidNiteBlu 5.0
I just think rap is the worst "music" out there.
I think that prize would have to go to country music. I'd rather listen to rappers sing about shotings, rape and violence then some hillbilly sing about an old pickup truck or some woman that left him.

MissBlondie 11-23-2002 07:05 PM

I have a couple of his albums. I hate everything that he stands for, but I like listening to him. He's got a lot of creativity. A lot of hatred and expression. I watched an interview with his mother this week and she claims that he didn't have that childhood at all. She says he is a fraud and really loves her, yet she's poor as poor can be. To me, she seemed pretty unrealistic.

I also saw 8Mile. I thought it was good, not what it was hyped to be, but I liked it. But I thought it left something out, something was missing. Everyone that I've talked to that's seen it, thought it was left so he could make another one.


82 GT 11-23-2002 07:16 PM

Re: shady

Originally posted by MissBlondie

I also saw 8Mile. I thought it was good, not what it was hyped to be, but I liked it. But I thought it left something out, something was missing. Everyone that I've talked to that's seen it, thought it was left so he could make another one.


Yeah, I thought that too. It was like reading a book starting from the middle and only reading a few chapters.

Mopar1 11-24-2002 02:51 AM

I dont know the guy, dont really care for his music, but it was a funny vid he did with Dr. DRE. I'd drink a wild turkey with him until he started that YO-YO crap. Then I would have to punch him.

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