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82 GT 11-21-2002 04:13 PM

Who has new eminem soundtrack CD?
Who has Eminem's new soundtrack CD? I'm thinking about buying it but I want to get some reviews about it first.
His movie is excellent in case anyone is debating on going to see it or not.

DAN-MAN 11-21-2002 04:37 PM

Yeah I've got the latest album. I could care less about his movie.

It's funny that a person as persecuted as him gets the kind of reviews he did on that movie.


82 GT 11-21-2002 10:48 PM

If you ever saw the movie, you would probably have a lot more respect for him.
He had a life growing up in poverty and dysfunction that most of his fans can relate to in some way.
I believe that's why he can write the lyrics that he does and still sell millions of albums.
That, in itself, deserves some kind of him or not.

jj_jonathon 11-21-2002 10:57 PM

i dont want to see it because i could never watch him act in any real seriousness...but i do tend to get attidcted to every new album for a month or two... girlfriend saw it and thought it

MidNiteBlu 5.0 11-22-2002 12:51 AM

Dont have the album and I wont see the movie. Rap is just talentless and crap. Im sorry but Rap just isnt music. You can say he has gone through hell or whatever but what Rock band hasnt?

also that movie loses alot of credibility with him playing himself IMO

6T9PONY 11-22-2002 12:53 AM

I haven't seen 8 Mile yet, although I want to....

I did buy the soundtrack the other day, just out of curiousity. I really like "Lose Yourself", and there is one or two more songs that are alright, but other than that I'm pretty disappointed.


6T9PONY 11-22-2002 01:04 AM


Originally posted by MidNiteBlu 5.0
Rap is just talentless and crap. Im sorry but Rap just isnt music. You can say he has gone through hell or whatever but what Rock band hasnt?
Rap may not be real "music" in your eyes, but how can you say it's talentless and crap? If it's talentless than why doesn't everyone and their dog rap? And why isn't everyone good? Hardly anyone can write and perform like Eminem can. Even if you absolutely hate Eminem, no way-no how can you say he is talentless. And most rock stars didn't start out living in ghettos wondering where their next meal was going to come from or worry about getting robbed constantly. Most rock stars worry about scrapping up some cash for a little more crack.

I'm not even a big Eminem fan, at all. Actually, this is the first Eminem CD I've ever bought, but I do think he is extremely talented.

Some people say he could be the next Shakespeare...that's how rare his writing talent is..... They are actually very similar in their own times. If you would like some examples, let me know. I'll be happy to share.

Mach 1 11-22-2002 02:07 AM


Originally posted by 6T9PONY

Some people say he could be the next Shakespeare...that's how rare his writing talent is..... They are actually very similar in their own times. If you would like some examples, let me know. I'll be happy to share.

I would like to see some examples of the similarity of those two. Please....share on...

MidNiteBlu 5.0 11-22-2002 05:25 AM

Yes because im sure eminem doesnt do any drugs huh? :rolleyes:

Im sorry i was kinda pissed off earlier but i still dont think he deserves all the credit he has been recieving. he talks about being a thug in all his music now it seems. then again I havent listend to very much of it...

I dunno to each thier own but i dont like him, dont like his music and wont waste 8.50 to see his movie.

And yes rock bands waste all thier money on crack so there poor. riiiight. i think it costs alot more money to support 4 or 5 guys, pay for equipment and touring costs then it does for one guy to travel standing up on a stage and talking. Just my humble opinion :D

jj_jonathon 11-22-2002 07:55 AM

i like a lot of rap....and i like a lot of techno...all techno is is mostly a keyboard....not a whole lot of talent i care? no. why? because i like what sounds good to me....doesnt mean i cant recognize talent, but i dont have to like it...i never liked the personality eminem has always portrayed, but whatever, i dont support him....just a few songs from time to time....and theyre mp3s...

its annoying that you call rap talentless and crap...i certainly dont like anywhere near all rap...and i dont like any country...but i dont go runnin around saying that half singing about my dog dying and trailer fallin over is crap... :D...ever listen to enya? now i think nearly anyone could reproduce them (making it nearly talentless)...but its incredibly cool and soothing...

so to each their own....

ultraflo 11-22-2002 10:46 AM

Not a big fan of M&M... however, I wouldn't go so far as to say that a good "rapper" is not talented. I like some rap, but I don't get carried away with embracing the whole hip-hop culture and acting like someone I am not, nor never will be for that matter yo. :D

As Chuck D and Flavor Flav once said in a rap song... Don't Believe The Hype!

...don't know where that came from. I better go find something more productive to do with my time before I loose myself, lol

WORD!:cool: :rolleyes:

NotchJohnson 11-22-2002 12:28 PM

I would not go out and but that soundtrack if I were you, there are really only 4 or 5 Eminem songs on it I think, so just download the ones you like off Kazaa, the rest of the songs are like ganster rap and stuff, but if your into that, go for it.

6T9PONY 11-22-2002 07:20 PM


Originally posted by Mach 1
I would like to see some examples of the similarity of those two. Please....share on...
First off, I'm not sure if I agree with the people that say he could be similar to the next Shakespeare, but I do think they have a point.

Shakespeare, believe it or not, used a large amount of slang and a little foul language, and even developed some of his own words and phrases. Many of the elders did not like or support Shakespeare for this reason. Many of the people his age and younger liked him for this characteristic. I believe that's similar to Eminem. A lot of the kids starting to become acquainted with the music world think he's cool because he cusses and stuff, same thing happened with Shakespeare's work.

Another similarity is that Eminem writes a lot about his own life and his struggles along the way. It's believed that some of Shakespeares writings are actually about his own life, and some of his fantasies.

The main DIFFERENCE I see between these two artists is that Eminem is somewhat of a homophobe, at least he comes off as one, and Shakespeare was bisexual.

None of us will know what turns out of all this. Most of Shakespeare's writings weren't even published until a decent while after he was dead.

srv1 11-22-2002 07:54 PM


Originally posted by 82 GT
If you ever saw the movie, you would probably have a lot more respect for him.
He had a life growing up in poverty and dysfunction that most of his fans can relate to in some way.
I believe that's why he can write the lyrics that he does and still sell millions of albums.
That, in itself, deserves some kind of him or not.

He is not in poverty now!

yeah he had a rough life. no father, crappy mother and no true family. ok. many of us here went through the same thing or worse. thier is time in your life to grow up face the fact life isnt perfect. so you had a bad childhood! grow up and realize you dont have to live the life you did in the past. if you keep complaining and waiting for someone to hold your hand to make everything alright, you will stay in the past and your present times now, we be just like the past. just like Eminem.

But i do like his music. i think he has some talent.

Mach 1 11-22-2002 08:20 PM


Originally posted by 6T9PONY
First off, I'm not sure if I agree with the people that say he could be similar to the next Shakespeare, but I do think they have a point.

Shakespeare, believe it or not, used a large amount of slang and a little foul language, and even developed some of his own words and phrases. Many of the elders did not like or support Shakespeare for this reason. Many of the people his age and younger liked him for this characteristic. I believe that's similar to Eminem. A lot of the kids starting to become acquainted with the music world think he's cool because he cusses and stuff, same thing happened with Shakespeare's work.

Another similarity is that Eminem writes a lot about his own life and his struggles along the way. It's believed that some of Shakespeares writings are actually about his own life, and some of his fantasies.

The main DIFFERENCE I see between these two artists is that Eminem is somewhat of a homophobe, at least he comes off as one, and Shakespeare was bisexual.

None of us will know what turns out of all this. Most of Shakespeare's writings weren't even published until a decent while after he was dead.

Wow, thats a stretch at best........I guess you could say A LOT of people have those same qualities you mentioned..

MidNiteBlu 5.0 11-22-2002 08:34 PM

I dont know to each thier own of course. I just will always enjoy a loud guitar over some guy standing up and talking to a computer generated beat :D :D

6T9PONY 11-22-2002 08:52 PM


Originally posted by Mach 1
Wow, thats a stretch at best........I guess you could say A LOT of people have those same qualities you mentioned..
I'll get a little more specific then.....Shakespeare invented and commonly used techniques that no one else at that time had been able to develop. Shakespeare also created words, like I said earlier, to rhyme with commonly used words. He also changed the pronunciation stresses of words to make them rhyme. These were most common in his sonnets.

Eminem uses a technique that's never been used before and cannot be linked to anyone else's work. He stresses words and parts of phrases that normally wouldn't be stressed, but it all comes together and works. No one has really figured it out yet.

srv1 brought up the fact that Eminem likes to keep writing about the same stuff, complaining about his past life of poverty. That's true, and I agree, it gets a little old. But Shakespeare did a version of the same thing. Hamlet, Macbeth, Lear, and Othello are pretty much his four main tragedies. Each of these are great pieces (in some people's mind) but their originality and variety is lacking. They were all created in the same mindset, but do not refer to eachother.

But you might be right.....possibly too much of a stretch....:rolleyes:

srv1 11-22-2002 09:06 PM


Originally posted by 6T9PONY

srv1 brought up the fact that Eminem likes to keep writing about the same stuff, complaining about his past life of poverty. That's true, and I agree, it gets a little old. But Shakespeare did a version of the same thing. Hamlet, Macbeth, Lear, and Othello are pretty much his four main tragedies. Each of these are great pieces (in some people's mind) but their originality and variety is lacking. They were all created in the same mindset, but do not refer to eachother.

Those people were legends in thier time, the basis of the best plays. Dont compare apples to oranges. Granted, Eminem will probably be on the top 100 best rappers of all time list in about 15 years, but do you think 400 years from now anyone would probably remember him? i think not. Hamlet, Macbeth, Lear, and Othello made history, Eminem will be history the way he is going. Just my opinion:)

TXinPA 11-22-2002 09:09 PM

I just baught The Eminem Show cd the other day. I normally hate rap, but I think his music is intresting. Plus it keeps me awake when I'm driving on long trips, hahaha! His technique, mentioned by 6T9PONY, caught my attention. I'd like to spend some time analysing it. Maybe I can fry a brain cell or two. As far as his movie, it was ok.

Mach 1 11-22-2002 10:19 PM


Originally posted by 6T9PONY

Eminem uses a technique that's never been used before and cannot be linked to anyone else's work. He stresses words and parts of phrases that normally wouldn't be stressed, but it all comes together and works. No one has really figured it out yet.

well, I dont study Eminem nor do I care too, and I was not aware that his talent was so special.

maybe your onto something.........maybe not......


82 GT 11-23-2002 12:57 AM

I would say Eminem is better compared to Howard Stern.
Howard says what's on his mind without "sugar coating" it regardless of what anyone thinks.
Eminem is the same way but just puts his words into rymes and could care less what anyone thinks of his music.
If you listen to enought of his songs, he even tells you that in them.
A lot of people hate Eminem and Stern because they are so bold and outright and a lot of people love them for the exact same reasons.
Both are worth millions today and don't give two shits what the critics have to say about them. Meanwhile the rest of us slugs punch a time card everyday wishing we were worth millions like the the same people we hate.
It's human nature to reject anything or anyone we don't understand.
Everyone though Albert Einstien was crazy at first because he was so intelligent and actually ahead of his time. They had no idea what he was talking about half the time only because they were not nearly half as intelligent as he was.
To sum it all up, you must first understand what you don't know before you can make judgement.

MidNiteBlu 5.0 11-23-2002 01:12 PM

I dont hate him. I dont care if he speaks his mind thats how it should be. I just think rap is the worst "music" out there.

Howard Stern is funny BTW

82 GT 11-23-2002 06:55 PM


Originally posted by MidNiteBlu 5.0
I just think rap is the worst "music" out there.
I think that prize would have to go to country music. I'd rather listen to rappers sing about shotings, rape and violence then some hillbilly sing about an old pickup truck or some woman that left him.

MissBlondie 11-23-2002 07:05 PM

I have a couple of his albums. I hate everything that he stands for, but I like listening to him. He's got a lot of creativity. A lot of hatred and expression. I watched an interview with his mother this week and she claims that he didn't have that childhood at all. She says he is a fraud and really loves her, yet she's poor as poor can be. To me, she seemed pretty unrealistic.

I also saw 8Mile. I thought it was good, not what it was hyped to be, but I liked it. But I thought it left something out, something was missing. Everyone that I've talked to that's seen it, thought it was left so he could make another one.


82 GT 11-23-2002 07:16 PM

Re: shady

Originally posted by MissBlondie

I also saw 8Mile. I thought it was good, not what it was hyped to be, but I liked it. But I thought it left something out, something was missing. Everyone that I've talked to that's seen it, thought it was left so he could make another one.


Yeah, I thought that too. It was like reading a book starting from the middle and only reading a few chapters.

Mopar1 11-24-2002 02:51 AM

I dont know the guy, dont really care for his music, but it was a funny vid he did with Dr. DRE. I'd drink a wild turkey with him until he started that YO-YO crap. Then I would have to punch him.

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