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GodStang 08-14-2005 07:47 AM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
Well back in the day I was trying to keep the small pony section alive. Now two Cobras later I am installing a 302 VT stroker with Crower Stage III cams and a 2.2L Kenne Bell.

Hethj7 08-14-2005 11:36 AM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
I'm still kicking too, but like a lot of others, don't find the time to post much anymore. Good too see a lot of familiar faces though :)

86GT 08-15-2005 10:11 AM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
I'm still around every once in a while too. Just spending too much time figuring out what I'm doing to my car next. Can't wait to finally get the big block finished, its almost there tho.

RedLilPony 08-16-2005 03:59 PM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
I lurk every once in awhile. :)

What's everyone been up to? I know things have changed a lot around here.

XR1stang 08-16-2005 06:37 PM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
I guess I can be considered an old timer (looks at join date) but I don't post much and I disappear for months at a time.

Oh well, hello again MW :D

bwoldschool65 08-16-2005 11:29 PM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
Heck i've been here awhile just didn't get on for so long that i for got my password to my old username, I used to be Whitey50h. I've had so much going on that i haven't had the time to get on. I spent to much time getting MARRIED and working on the house. Putting all my project money into that dang house , oh well thats life! nice to be back! Anybody heard from 101proof lately!

NC85 08-28-2005 07:48 PM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
Lurker 4 Life:)

briand 09-01-2005 04:16 PM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
still here, i check in now and then.

Ty'97Cobra 09-01-2005 09:16 PM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
ive been at the beach...

scootro 09-14-2005 05:20 AM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
me but i don't post very much....... :)

i would post more, but i hate the advertisements and pop ups that interupt my typing(thanks to the pop up blocker)............... :mad:

bigred90gt 09-22-2005 06:06 PM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
I havent been on here in god only knows how long. I have been through many changes in the last few years, but, I still have the 90 GT. It is in pieces, in my fiance's mother's garage in Texas, and I am in Jersey. I hope it doesnt get swamped in the hurricane barreling toward my hometown.

ed1371 09-25-2005 12:17 AM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
Been a while since coming here... what spurred the visit was finally getting rid of the ole vert... still plan to drop by from time to time... in the meanwhile, I will be playing with the new toy!

MTU 50 09-25-2005 01:06 PM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
I haven't been here in forever. The Stang has been wrecked for over a year and if I post anywhere it is usually on Sigforum (gun board) or's BS section. Other than that, I just don't have any time.

I am looking to get another 5.0 though.:cool: They're in my blood!!!

Jeff Chambers 09-26-2005 11:42 AM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers

Originally Posted by Mr 5 0
I assume that my eight-year membership qualifies me as an 'old-timer' here. :)

We ought to have Dan pull up some of the old records. I've got to be in the neighborhood of ten years...I think. I can remember when the 50fanatics mailing list was the only means of communication before this World Wide Web thing took off. How many of the old timers can remember creating signatures with ascii images? I can remember logging on to get my 50fanatics emails using a 2400 baud modem!.....and reading them on a monochrome monitor!

Mr 5 0 09-26-2005 03:36 PM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers

Originally Posted by Jeff Chambers

We ought to have Dan pull up some of the old records. I've got to be in the neighborhood of ten years...I think. I can remember when the 50fanatics mailing list was the only means of communication before this World Wide Web thing took off. How many of the old timers can remember creating signatures with ascii images? I can remember logging on to get my 50fanatics emails using a 2400 baud modem!.....and reading them on a monochrome monitor!

Man, you really are an 'old timer'! A 2400 baud modem! You must have spent a loooong time in front of the computer in those days. :)

However, I wasn't vying for the 'longest membership' title, as I know I couldn't possibly claim that honor. I was just noting that I have been a Mustang Works member for a fairly long time. Well, at least, as far as internet website membership goes.

Jeff Chambers 09-27-2005 06:25 AM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
I know, I was just saying that it might be comical to pull some of the records and see just how long some have been around. Not a competition. Like everything else, its amazing how much things change over the years. My first new computer was an 8-Mhz Zenith with 640k RAM and another 640K in 'Above Disk'. That's smokin'!

fiveohpatrol 09-27-2005 06:58 AM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
I think my first pocket calculator was more powerful than that :D

DemonGT 10-02-2005 04:34 PM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
i forgot about this site till recently, used to come here all the time way back when i first got my car

RBatson 10-10-2005 04:30 AM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
Haven't been here in a while. Still got the 89vert and the 04 Mach. Spend lots of time on the Harley nowadays though. Rode to Sturgis back in August(2033 miles). Got some pretty good pictures, if anybodys interested. :cool:


82 GT 10-10-2005 03:36 PM

Re: Whos Still Around? MW Oldtimers
I'm still alive and kickin!

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