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Old 05-15-2002, 02:32 AM   #19
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Default Re: Stupidity!

Okay, first off, the question implies that there is a standard rhyme or reason to understanding women. This is simply not true, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner relationships will become less stressfull for you.

That being said, I think Christine said it best:

Originally posted by Topless In Texas
Waiting is a tough thing...on any relationship regardless of what the circumstances are.. Even in a STRONG relationship, the temptaion to throw in the towel is there when there are some emotional needs not being met for whatever reason because of waiting!
I've never been in the military, but I have been in an environment where you are separated from your loved ones for long lengths of time. The one constant that I have learned from being in that environment many times, is that unless you have a rock solid relationship (and sometimes even then), you are better off having none. Time goes by alot faster when you're not constantly thinking about your significant other, and what they're doing, or not doing, or why they didn't answer the phone, or write you back when you expected, etc. Your own mind becomes your worst enemy, and time drags on by, slower than ever.

It's hard, but it's been my experience that it's alot easier when you're single.

Good luck.

Take care,
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