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Old 04-09-2002, 04:13 PM   #14
Yay for Chickys
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Default Re: More cats

Originally posted by Mr 5 0

Sure, the EPA does some good but they stay in business and get their budgets funded by always finding some enviromental 'problem' to be addressed. Constantly. Cars are a common target. Always will be, too. Everybody owns one, the automakers have billions and since no car is truly pollution-free, they can always find a 'problem' to address. It'll never end and I get tired of it. Give it a few years and you might, too.

I'm unable to share your faith in big government agencies to 'help' Americans, especially the EPA.

Third world countries might pollute unnecessarily but in America, we've cleaned up a lot and this country is far better than it ever was a hundred or even fifty years ago in terms of pollution, corporate and personal.

I wasn't defensive of myself, except when you start bringing up sources...Christ it was a school paper, and when I said send it in to a magazine, I meant in LETTERS, not as some official document. I wouldn't publish my name on anything that I didn't witness first hand, I was merely trying to show people that not all the environment "fix-ups" we are told are GREAT and hunky dorey as the evil EPA would have us believe.

I am far from adoring big government, that's why I am a Republican and an undying proponent of states rights. BUT...the older I get and the more people I meet, I lose faith in the normal idiot . Does this mean I want my life regulated? No. It just makes me happy that there IS some basic regulation, mostly for business. I'm ALREADY tired of them raggin' on cars, just saying that they do pollute, because some morons STILL refuse to admit that they do (trust me, I'm enrolled with some )

And yes, many corparations WOULD pollute mindlessly if there were no regulation (anyone remember Love Canal??) Evidenced by the many "grandfathered" in power plants that have yet to meet what I would consider just decent standards (not EPA fluff BS). If you are telling me you think businesses would spend extra money to clean up instead of on increased production on their own accord, I wish I could agree.

You just seemed to have missed the ENTIRE point of my crummy paper, which was to wake people up to the fact that NOT everything (most) the media tells us is true. Recycling does NOT save the world. and catalytic converters don't either. This thread was NOT intended to become some political argument, just to remind everyone not to believe everything they hear...
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