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vetteeatr 06-30-2002 10:03 PM

Alot of Questions About Modular Motors
Hey guys I was starting to build a 5.0 enigne to dominate the streets however I wont be able to drive for a few years anyway lol. So I figured by the time i can use allt eh money i blew that technology wont be anywhere near current. Itll be somethign like carburators are today.

We all knwo technology is slowly bumping up the ol HP numbers. I have been able to drive a 2000 cobra dn was blown away by teh smoothness of the whole car. The equipment is jsut in no comparison with the older models like the T-5 and the 5.0. NOt that i dont liek these pieces but quite frankly i wanna up to date.

So I have a a few questions. First off Where the heck do yu get parts to use for these mod motors ive seen a few but the aftermarklet seems to ber really limited and very expensive.

What are th benifits over teh ol pushrod motors compared to teh mod ones? I hear mod has bettr revability better gas mielage smootehr and a hgiher powerband usually.

Now is the powerband jsut because of the cams or can you make the 5.0 have the smae powerband im sure you can somewhat.

Doy ou guys think that the aftermarket wille xplode soon wiht parts for these motors?

Also the parts i assume are alot mroe specialized since you probaly cant jsut be swapping heads with any block and so forth such as the 5.4 and 4.6 but i dont knwo.

Basicalyl do you gusy think these motors are gonna be around for quite some time? How long do oyu think it willt ake for the aftermarket ot get huge and affordable with these engines?

Also jsut give mea rundown of benifits of both engine types. THanks alot i knwo thats quite a bit.

PKRWUD 06-30-2002 10:13 PM

From Pushrod vs. Modular, in the Windsor Forum:

Just about everything. For starters, mod engines are overhead cam, so there is no need for pushrods. Modular engines share the same basic design in blocks, aluminum heads and other key components. Advantages associated with Ford's modular engine series are: increased power, durability, fuel efficiency, and reduced noise, vibration and harshness. In most cases, push-rods have a lot of power on the bottom to mid sections of the powerband, and begin to drop of quickly after it's peak, and have lower power levels at high RPM's. Modular engines often have anemic power levels on the bottom, but have good strong power levels usually starting in the mid-RPM powerband and usually continue to grow or stay close to peak all the way through the high RPM powerband, some stay strong nearly to the redline. This is not always true, but is generally correct for this situation.

In 1991, Ford unleashed a new era of muscle, one that is propelling us into the future. The modular engine focuses on low friction, excellent sealing and increased block stiffness. The design results in an extremely smooth running engine using aluminum heads and having all accessories rigidly mounted to the engine. Both the engine block and head are machined to close tolerances to produce a very precise assembly. The head bolts of modular engines actually extend past the cylinder bores into the bearing webs, eliminating bore distortion and providing a better head gasket seal. The sophisticated overhead cam design uses roller finger followers to lower friction and increase the RPM potential of the engine. On the bottom end, the deep skirt engine block and cross-bolted main caps contribute to a higher rigid assembly. Two engine plants manufacture Modular engines; Romeo produces all passenger car versions and Windsor produces the Modular Truck engines. HereÕs a brief description of Modular V-8 engines.

The 4.6L SOHC (2V) was first introduced in 1991. This engine is the basis for all modular engines as is used in passenger cars as well as trucks. The block is cast iron with a nodular crankshaft, while the heads are aluminum using an in-line valve design with 1 intake and 1 exhaust valve per cylinder. All passenger cars have press fit piston pins, while all truck engines have full floating piston pins to improve durability.

The 4.6L DOHC (4V) was first introduced in the Mark VIII; however, in 1996 a similar version of this engine found its calling in the Mustang Cobra. The aluminum block and four-valve head make for a powerful combination producing 305 HP @ 7000 RPM. Internally the 4 bolt, cross-bolted main bearing caps provide the support necessary to easily handle the high RPM potential of the forged steel crankshaft. This engine uses hypereutectic pistons with full floating piston pins and upgraded connecting rod assemblies to improve durability.

The 5.4L SOHC (2V) "Triton" engine released in trucks for 1997 is producing favorable reactions. This engine has a cast iron block, forged steel crankshaft, full floating piston pins and special 6000 RPM connecting rods. It is the 5.8L "pushrod engine" replacement.

Take care,

MIKESHAW 07-01-2002 03:44 PM

i hate to tell you for one svt didnt make a 00 cobra they waited for 01 to make it because of the horse power problems they had with the 99.

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