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Old 03-01-2002, 01:05 AM   #20
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Just to clarify, I'm not saying that I believe Muslums have a better grip on thing than Christians. I think, in the simplest terms, that religion has always been a crutch of sorts for people to lean on when they feel lost. Virtually all religions were formed by the elders of that society as a way to instill morals and beliefs that apply to that culture to those that make up said culture, and as a way to explain the unexplainable. Offering this to those that seek it is admirable. Hunting down those that have other beliefs, and convincing them they are wrong, and that all the good they believed they were doing is worthless, is not admirable. It's despicable. The Catholic Church has made that their primary function for centuries. Go seek those that have not found our way, and convince them they are sinners if they don't change their ways. This didn't just apply to evildoers, who raped and pillaged villages. This applied to indian cultures around the world. Cultures that had thrived successfully in many cases longer than Catholocism. That's what bugs me the most. That, and the fact that it still happens, everyday, in every country in the world. Missionaries who will seek out cultures that are at their weakest, due to drought, floods, or starvation, and offer them assistance only if they give up the beliefs their ancestors nurtured for centuries, and accept those of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was directly responsible for delaying the spread of the printing press in the middle ages for the sole reason of keeping the Bible from the people. The way it was written prior to the King James version was full of love, and hope, and faith, and they feared people would start their own churches and communities without the rule of the Catholic Church to control them. They were right. Churches were formed, and communities developed with more liberal Christian views. The Catholic Church responded with with a Bible that instilled fear into it's followers. I don't know about you guys, but my God is about love and forgiveness, not fear. I was never taught to fear being "struck down" for doing something "wrong". I guess that's what I really meant when I said it was just short of criminal to proclaim absolute right and wrong when it comes to faith. Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to. It's not being deceived into believing everything you ever knew was wrong, and your only chance at salvation is to follow someone else.

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