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Old 08-09-2002, 09:07 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

It most definitely cuts the power back. In the dry it typically only cuts in when you shift into second gear if you are really pounding it. Go for a very high speed run from a stand still and you'll feel it cut in as soon as you shift into second. The passenger might not notice, but you most certainly should. I think it officially cuts the power for 1 to 2 seconds. Even in the dry it will cut in based on how much power you are going to deliver going into second. In a straight take off in 1st gear it will not come on, you can roast the tires if you want with it on (I think Ford calls this power mode, stupid if you ask me), however if you get sideways, typically in the rain it will cut in, even in 1st. I wish I could have the function switched to always be off, unless you hit the switch. Right now it is always on, unless you turn it off and everytime you turn the car off your stuck turning it off. I habitually turn it off as soon as I start the car, always.
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