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Old 09-25-2002, 12:15 AM   #13
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Location: Mobile, Al
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Blue01GT
wade73, i like how you picked apart my whole rant. You can argue me point for point but i think you misinterpreted a few of my rants.

my car gets right up to the 150mph notch on my speedo before it yeah, that car is made for high speed

sooooo, yours is GOVERNED at 150...i see...that explains it...and oh wow!! ford had the foresight overengineer a '78 fairmont that would eventually be called a Cobbra, would be "made for high speed" in 2003 (model year anyway) with 390 hp in its belly, some astonishing 25 years later? gotta hand it to ford on advanced engineering....they really think ahead

and when the customer complains that it isnt making enough power, you dont confirm it with the engine at idle. you push it hard and see what it will give it a real world test. (hint hint: live a little, dont be a square)

real world test at 140 everytime for me...i tell you what, i will be a "square" and you be, well "you" and lets see who lives to be 30...and i only about 9 months to go...

and your comment about only 5% of people on this forum doing what stangman did is baloney. like i said earlier, when you got cobra keys in your hand, your all alone and you got an empty highwayin front of you, 95% of the mustang nuts will do exactly what he did.

i dont buy it...i am willing to give fellow mustangers the benefit of the on the other hand....i imagine you with a short, almost buzzed haircut, with a visor turned upside down and backwards, pubic hair mustache/goatee that you have been trying to "grow" since you were 10, with your pants down to your knees...bling bling!!! does that mean anything to you???

would you ever turn in your 03 cobra to the dealer and NOT expect it to be driven like a rocket? cmon we are all human and we know what ford techies do. if you give anyone a 03 cobra and think they wont run it hard, then your naive. (or "stupid")

you are GOD&^% right I expect to turn my 03 cobra into the dealer and have it NOT driven like a rocket....they don't own the car...I DO...they don't have to make the payments...I DO....they dont have to live with the car for however long....I DO...GOOD GOD YOUR ABSOLUTE STUPIDITY IS AMAZING!!!!! HOW DO MANAGE TO PUT THE RIGHT SHOE ON THE RIGHT FOOT IN THE MORNING??? HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO MAKE IT THRU PRESCHOOL??? HOW DID YOU GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL??? please don't tell me you intend to breed....

thanks for clearing up that to post on a mustang website, to read a mustang website that you had drive like an idiot in the real world.

what it all comes down to is responsibility and accountability. nothing more and nothing less. one day, you will grow up, and realize just how stupid you are acting, the facts notwithstanding that you are driving a 25 year old platform to speeds that belong on a racetrack. i am not acting all "high and mighty" about it, just stating the obvious. there is a difference in running the car hard in the right situation, than running it hard and acting like some pimple faced moron in a riced out civic.

do us all a favor, especially Californians (as if they didnt have enough problems as it is): next time you are doing "140", give the steering wheel a good hard yank to the left and see what me!! its an absolute blast!!
98 GT - Usual

"Get in, sit down, shut up and HANG ON"
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