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Old 04-27-2001, 09:54 AM   #7
AKA "Dr. Evil"
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The Oilers did extremely well, and that Tommy Salo is amazing...
There were a few saves where I literally had to get close to the TV and watch the replay because I couldn't believe the puck didn't go in... he's definately got talent.

Definately the best series in the first round.

I just don't understand why the Stars get so much flak, while admittedly the payroll is large, I've met many of the Stars personally, and they're regular down to earth guys who like to hang out, drink beer and scope the women....

There are only a couple of truly inflated egos on the team, and they have the talent to back it up...

Finally, to watch the "grumpy old men" line out-work the so called younger\faster guys on many other teams is really fun to watch...

Edmonton's got the defense going, if they can get just a little more offensive punch, a Stanley Cup may yet come back to the Great White North.

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