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Old 03-16-2005, 07:10 AM   #3
pj rage
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 3
Default Re: Speedo not working and car stalling?

An update on the problem:

It seems to do it at all speeds, as long as I was moving, shift either into neutral or put clutch in, and I brake. The rpms come down from whatever they were, pass right by the idle rpm, and go down to zero. This is in a sometimes slow, smooth motion. Sometimes the rpms will sit at 400-600 rpm for a split second and it will either come up to idle or stall out. If I tap the gas it will come up, and seems that it will not stall after this, as by this time I am usually at a stop.

Seems that it just cannot "catch" the idle when moving and braking and not in gear. What component controls this, and is it related to the speedometer not working?

As far as the speedometer goes, I crawled under the car and searched around for the cable the best I could, the only thing I found that resembled a cabled going into the transmission was a thick black rubberized cable coming off the driver's side front of the transmission and heading straight toward the engine. This looked more like a hose, but was quite stiff, maybe 3/8" or 1/2" in diameter. It appeared to be securely connected, though I couldn't really tell how it would be disconnected even if I wanted to.

Any thoughts before I give in and take it to a dealer?
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