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Old 10-01-2002, 05:36 AM   #368
Yay for Chickys
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 1,532
Default Re: ring a Belle?

Originally posted by srv1
Is that why you left? cause some egotistical guy? what gives? just because of some losers are out there Belle, that shouldnt make you not want to stay, right? if that is why you left, so be it. let the "man" win!

Either be strong (which we know you are) or fall back, which you did(and i am confused about that). Maybe i am missing something. I tried to contact you, but no luck. Hope you stay. WE at Mustang Works want you to stay, and I personally want you to stay. I know you will read this.
People like Stangman shouldnt have to make you feel like its "a guys sport". don't let one bad apple ruin the bushel.
please stay.......James
Uh, I didn't say I left because some white trash loser is a homo...I said I left because of dishonest/cocky jerks who make posting annoying...I also said it was just one of many reasons.

I didn't fall back at all...Since Feb 01, I considered it enjoyable to post the past few months, I have changed my tune. Just because I don't feel like arguing over a stupid post count anymore, being told my console is hot because I left my heater controls on or getting freaky leghumping PMs from people I don't know doesn't make me a quitter, it means I just don't have enough fun/enlightenment to continue posting! Anyways, its not really something that's up for debate, I just thought I'd address it since I didn't make the customary "farewell, ask me to stay" post

This place is STILL the best Mustang board on the 'net, I just don't personally get enough out of it anymore to come here in my now actually BUSY schedule I'm sure I'll make an occasional appearance to squawk at some idiot (lilke I did in this thread) ala Belle style!
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