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Old 09-30-2002, 09:26 AM   #326
Yay for Chickys
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 1,532

I am here to just offer my sympathy to the lady who owns the Cobra...not to play the fiddle or anything, but events like these are EXACTLY why less women get involved in the automobile hobby. I've heard many men complain about how "there aren't enough girls who like cars". Well, why should there be, when predators like Stangman96 exist? Selfish losers who must abuse the nice possessions of others since they don't feel like earning them through hard work...If I were in a line of work that people PAID ME to repair and respect their personal property, you bet yer *** I'd do my job, and do it well. The job market is tough right now, and I know there are deserving mechanics that will more than fill the disgusting shoes of Stangscumbag96. Individuals like him are part of WHY I quit this message board, a place I called my home for 1.5+ years.

A familar cliche comes to mind...also known as the Golden Rule Learn it Stangman, and you'll go farther in life.

Signing off,
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