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Old 04-18-2002, 12:05 PM   #25
2001 Roush Vert
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Location: Irvine, California
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Default Damage to your Vehicle

When someone bashes their dood into your car get their insurance, registration and license just like you got into an accident with the person. You in fact have. Their car hit yours and caused damage to your car. If they wont give it to you, gt the license number and call the police and get a police report done. If someone damages your car they should pay to get it fixed.

Now the valet parking garage is a different matter. When you hand your keys to a valet a "bailment" is created and they are responsible for all damage notwithstanding any language on the parking ticket about them not being responsible. Make them fix it and if they do not go to small claims court. You do not have to put up with people messing with you.
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