Thread: post count poll
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Old 09-01-2002, 12:46 PM   #7
Unit 5302
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Originally posted by 82 GT
Unit , I'm not trying to disrespect Dan or anyone else for that matter. I've read the reasons why the post count was dropped and tend to slightly agree but I can also see how it was a good thing too. It really doesn't matter to me either way. It took me two days to realize the post count was gone. If you asked me, I'd personally like to see it brought back but it's not my decision to make. I'm merely stating an opinion and was curious to the other user's opinions on this board....nothing more
What kind of a society do we live in where we can't even state opinions about our rules and regulations?
Nobody's whining or disrespecting anyone here about this topic.
If Dan final decision is to drop the post count, so be it. I'll respect whatever decision he makes either way.
Just dont tell me that I'm acting disrespectfully or immaturely when I wasn't trying to be.
I think I nade it clear in the beginning that my poll was for giggles out of pure curiousity. Forgive me for being curious. WOW!!!
Ah yes.... the free society schpeal. As it has never been mentioned before on this website it's not a democracy. While I feel there is a certain amount of say members should, and do have on this site, purposely adding a thread on to what has been declared an off limit topic IS disrespectful. Whether or not you were trying to be. There have been at least 3 threads with noticable comments related to the decision. Probably better than 100 posts. Members voiced their concerns and Dan said the choice is made. I wouldn't have a problem if the topic was posted in November or something. That at least gives people some time to get used to the change, and see if it's really all that important to get into a tissy about it. You started the topic immediately after 3 other threads were closed, and still in plain view. Do you think the moderators and Dan close topics just out of the blue for no reason?

I have pushed the envelope here as much as anybody else, but I generally had some respect for when topics were declared dead. I don't think it's a bad topic or thread. Just really poor timing that makes it disrespectful.
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