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68302 05-18-2002 04:26 PM

Installing new hood and pins
Im getting a fiberglass 3 1/2 in cowl hood for my 68. i was just curious what would be involved in the installation, like mounting the hood pins, hood to the hinges, and making it flush with the rest of the car. or would you just recommend paying the extra 100 bux and getting the hood with the front latch. i would appreciate your help.

Gearhead999 05-18-2002 08:19 PM

Since the hood is fiberglass. I would just use the hood pins, myself.

Get a couple of buddies. Have them hold the hood so you can get the hinges on. You are going to use hinges aren't you???

Once the hinges are on. Put the hood down gently and see how it lines up. Then just adjust as needed.

After getting hood to open and close and line up OK. Then locate the radiator support and where you want the pins to go. Measure both sides. And measure once more before you drill holes in support. Mount the pins. Then put some grease on the ends of the pins [points] and let the hood touch them. This will mark where they will go through the hood. Drill the hood. Install the trim and adjust the pins [up and down].

If you want to use 4 pins [two forward and two at firewall] you will have to figure out where you are going to install the rear set. I'd do the front two first and then figure and mark the rear two.

Hope that helps.

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