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Old 05-08-2002, 03:35 AM   #1
The Redneck James Bond
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Thumbs up Raced an LS-1 Powered Chicken Truck!

Well, it was bound to happen. I lost a race tonight guys.

I had just gotten off work. I had some aggression built up inside me, so I thought what better way to blow it off before I got to my girlfriends house than to drive Hard.

I was flying down 401 at 85 MPH, when I noticed this smell. A nasty foul smell. Thats when up ahead I noticed a truck hauling a 53ft trailer. As I approached, I saw that it was a chicken truck.

To avoid the nasty smell and "Spray" (Yes, its genuinely nasty) I drop it into fourth (Now if I was in an LS-1, I could of just put it in 6th gear and already of been in another Time Zone) and floor it to pass when the light we were approaching turns red.

As the stench fills the cabin of my car, my muscle's tense (Probably because I was about to vomit), and sweat beads trickle of my brow. I looked over at the Rig pulling the Trailer and I saw the letters LS on the side.

Oh no...My legs began to tremble. But..Why? Surely it couldnt be a LS-1 powered Peter Built...Could it? I inspected the vehicle closer and could not tell if it was a WS-6 chicken Truck, or an SS Chicken truck. Either way, it couldnt be....

The chrome stacks gave off a unigue F-Bod Y-pipe sound..Maybe it was I thought to myself. Sure didnt sound like a Big diesel.

Doubt floated through my mind, Legs tremebled more as the light parralell to ours turned yellow. It was about to be the moment of truth.

GREEN GO GO GO GO...Popped into my mind. I tached the 4.6 and featherd the clutch. With little Wheel spin I hooked and took off.

I pulled hard though First, Hard. Gaining probably 15 car lengths (or one Chicken Truck Length), I hit second and noticed my lead started dwindling. I only pulled a few more lengths on Him.

Next thing I knew, I saw that Peter Built come Hauling up on me like nothing. All those thousand Chickens clucking away in furry as they passed me about made me deaf. (He had at least 1000 chicken Power plus on me...At least). Sounded just like a screamin F-body.

After he pulled a Truck Length on me the guy even further rubbed the defeat in by putting his Hazards on. I was humiliated, humbled, and sad. I began to weep. I pulled off my supernatural Driving Man cape and mask and threw them in the back seat.

At the next light between sobs, I asked the guy what he had. He motioned for me to pull over, so I did. We shot the breeze for a while and then he opened the hood.
There sat a Shiny LS-1. I couldnt believe it, it was a LS-1. He must of knew what I was going to ask next because he beat me to it. YEah, you had me bad in the first two gears, but when I drop kicked it into Third I took off after you! Everyone must be right...That LS-1 is just magical in third gear.

So yes, I got beat guys. I'm sorry to dissapoint you all. Especailly you Sedanman. Oh..He also showed me a time slip. It runs 12.8s at 148 MPH in the quarter. His 60 ft time was like 7 seconds, and his 8th was like 11 seconds. So that thing sure does have a hellacious top end.
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