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rubenS 10-27-2010 05:55 AM

Ford is 2010 Marketer of the Year, claims Advertising Age
The economic collapse of recent years left many industries in America crying for relief, and also the automotive industry was no exception. Most of America's automakers believed the only way they could remain in business was by accepting auto bailout money, and these businesses took their lumps for making that fateful decision. Ford's position was not to abuse the trust of the public, and the company's decision has helped them skyrocket to new amounts of popularity. Based on Automotive News, it was Ford's commitment to rugged economic individualism that helped land them Advertising Age's 2010 "Marketer of the Year" prize.

Ford Motors had been in trouble like the majority

Ford Motors had been in the hole only like everybody else. The poor economy got each automaker to this point. The company lost a ton of cash in 2008. In fact, $14.6 billion had been lost. However, "the brand that Henry built" did not give in to temptation like the rest of Detroit auto row. The business refused to get TARP funds "worth more than $1 billion of coverage and consumer interest." Automotive News accounts Ford marketing chief Jim Farley saying this. "If I had to go out and advertise, it would be that kind of bill in paid media. It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing."

Only '$1 billion in totally free goodwill'

Advertising Age refused to give Ford Motors the 2010 Marketer of the Year award for what wasn't done although its public image had been good for not taking the Troubled Asset Relief Program funds. Ford is the number 2 automaker within the United States of America now. Ford's reputation is much better then General Motors although the company has a 17 percent share of the automobile and light truck industry through Sept putting them right behind GM. A hot new version of the Fiesta and crackling Advertising campaigns has boosted the automaker that has held the American imagination since the Great Depression. U.S. yearly sales increased 19 percent via Sept, nearly double the industry-wide increase of 10 percent, writes Automotive News. A $4.7 profit was had by Ford within the first half of 2010. This is, since 1998, the biggest increase in profit in such a small time.


Automotive News

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