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Rice Hunter 12-06-2002 08:37 PM

Mustangs in snow, almost bit it
I realize this may be the most obvious thing in the world, but I almost bit it four times last night cause Mustangs don't handle AT ALL in snow. I had to drive to a very important interview at Hershey and I only have the Stang (crap). This whole area got about 8" of snow. I just want to tell you guys that fish tailing at 60 mph because some ******* trucker doesn't see you (Mustangs are invisible to trucks/suvs apparently) is quite possibly one of the scariest things you can do. I held on, but I almost pissed myself. The lack of respect some truckers have for smaller/coup cars is really starting to get on my nerves. Some truckers are great and curteous, but others just want to go, around or through you. Ugh. Interview went great though!!

12-06-2002 08:59 PM

Yeah I heard you guys got alotta snow in PA, my mother lives in Pittsburgh.

Stangs can get alilttle outta control in the rain ,snow is even worse :D

Maroon 5.0 LX 12-06-2002 09:30 PM

60 mph in a Mustang in the snow and blaming it on the truck drivers?

You better place the blame where it belongs, the loose nut behind the wheel.

We'll be reading about you someday.

Rice Hunter 12-06-2002 09:44 PM

Ah, well, that is a little misleading. That was not where the snow was, it was an extension of the story. I was going slower than everyone but a Taurus in front of me. The truck cut me off and I went on to the shoulder, where there was snow. But I appreciate your vote of confidence. I know you thought all the facts were presented, and that is my fault, but slam someone else. You'll be reading about me alright, but for other reasons. Will I be reading about you?

Maroon 5.0 LX 12-06-2002 10:44 PM

Maybe I didn't have all the facts, I went by what you said in the above post, if it were true, I stand by my statement. I can only respond to what I see.

Hopefully we will read about you sometime about something positive, and not in the obituaries.

tireburner163 12-07-2002 12:49 AM


Originally posted by Maroon 5.0 LX
60 mph in a Mustang in the snow and blaming it on the truck drivers?

You better place the blame where it belongs, the loose nut behind the wheel.

We'll be reading about you someday.

Kell? Is that you???:confused:

MidNiteBlu 5.0 12-07-2002 02:27 AM

Snow? What is this dangerous snow stuff you speak of? :confused:

digital3.3 12-07-2002 02:35 AM

60mph in the snow, damn its well over 80km/h no wonder you almost bit it a few times. i gotta drive my stang every winter and i wouldn't even bother taking it up to 60mph in the snow thats just asking to write it off.

Dark_5.0 12-07-2002 11:37 AM


Originally posted by tireburner163
Kell? Is that you???:confused:
I thought the exact same thing:confused:

MissBlondie 12-07-2002 02:39 PM


Originally posted by Rice Hunter
Ah, well, that is a little misleading. That was not where the snow was, it was an extension of the story. I was going slower than everyone but a Taurus in front of me. The truck cut me off and I went on to the shoulder, where there was snow. But I appreciate your vote of confidence. I know you thought all the facts were presented, and that is my fault, but slam someone else. You'll be reading about me alright, but for other reasons. Will I be reading about you?

Woaaa relax!!! I thought the exact same thing as he did. Driving 60mph in snow?? We just had a lot of snow and ice here a week ago and I got caught in it driving home, and I don't think I took the stang over 10/20 mph the entire way. Glad to hear you made it okay, and your interview went well!! :p


The Deuce 12-07-2002 03:43 PM

So would this be the appropriate place to brag that we are drag racing still in LA?

1969Mach1 12-07-2002 04:09 PM


Originally posted by The Deuce
So would this be the appropriate place to brag that we are drag racing still in LA?
Deuce I'm starting to get sick and tired of your bullsh*t man.... If I wanted to hear how warm it was over there and not how cold it is here I would ask. lol I'm kiddin' with you bud. lol I wish I could even see my yellow grass right now. =( hehehe...


0h n0 5.0 12-07-2002 04:23 PM

Re: Mustangs in snow, almost bit it

Originally posted by Rice Hunter
I realize this may be the most obvious thing in the world, but I almost bit it four times last night cause Mustangs don't handle AT ALL in snow. I had to drive to a very important interview at Hershey and I only have the Stang (crap). This whole area got about 8" of snow. I just want to tell you guys that fish tailing at 60 mph because some ******* trucker doesn't see you (Mustangs are invisible to trucks/suvs apparently) is quite possibly one of the scariest things you can do. I held on, but I almost pissed myself. The lack of respect some truckers have for smaller/coup cars is really starting to get on my nerves. Some truckers are great and curteous, but others just want to go, around or through you. Ugh. Interview went great though!!

whew.. take it slow bro, down here in al, we might get an 1/2inch of snow or ice, but i tell you what.. i crawl when it does...(old incident wth a crown vic..sticky brakes..freezing weather.)

jeesh i thought the sheer sound of 400 horses was enough for some jack *** to be aware of your presence..:rolleyes:
remember:Loud Pipes Save Lives:D

oh, also props for all the stangers for drivin yer stang in adverse conditions.. you're all hardcore..

The Deuce 12-07-2002 04:24 PM


Originally posted by 1969Mach1
Deuce I'm starting to get sick and tired of your bullsh*t man.... If I wanted to hear how warm it was over there and not how cold it is here I would ask. lol I'm kiddin' with you bud. lol I wish I could even see my yellow grass right now. =( hehehe...


Call me crazy, but I miss the snow. There's nothing more troubling than playing golf on Christmas eve. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but that's all we can do. It screws up the people out here, they have no appreciation for the summer.

HellRaiser92 12-07-2002 05:29 PM

lol I know how Mustangs are in the snow. I would suggest you invest in some sand bags and throw them in the trunk!:) Also delflate your tires a couple psi.

BLACK85GT 12-07-2002 05:45 PM

they should make front wheel drive mustangs for the snow. lol.

tireburner163 12-07-2002 08:47 PM


Originally posted by BLACK85GT
they should make front wheel drive mustangs for the snow. lol.
One more comment like that and I'm gonna ***** slap you


Rice Hunter 12-07-2002 10:26 PM

I'm sorry if it seemed like I got pissed. It just seems like people talk about racing on the street, and everyone is says, "nice kill". Not "that is too dangerous, I'll be reading about your untimely demise". You see where I'm coming from? I think that comments about reading about my death are uncalled for. Street racing is dangerous, drag racing is dangerous, but no one says they will read about them in the god damn obituaries, so why jump on me???

gofastmercury 12-08-2002 02:25 AM

I like driving in snow. I learnt how to drive in the winter, and I love it. Yes I drive my mustang, but I get good snow tires for it. I can ussualy out drive those 2 ton SUVs with there 4 wheel drive. Nothing better than a 4 wheel drift at 80mph to get the blood flowing on those early drives to work!

JRowlette 12-08-2002 08:10 PM

Yep I know the feeling. We got a pretty good ice storm here last week. I was pulling out from the street my apartment is on onto the main road, which is slightly uphill. To make it short, traffic was backing up behind me and I wasn't at a stoplight!!! I just sat there and spun for a good 15-20 seconds waiting for my tires to melt through ice.


Just a tad late to work that morning.

Motorhead302 12-09-2002 05:45 AM

i used to drive my stangs in the winter. the '95 was actually great. i love seeing the look on people's faces when you pass them through 5 inches of snow in a Stang, while their "big bad" 4x4 is stuck in a ditch. (not that i would just blow off someone stuck in a ditch, but you know what i mean)


Call me crazy, but I miss the snow. There's nothing more troubling than playing golf on Christmas eve. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but that's all we can do. It screws up the people out here, they have no appreciation for the summer.
you know, somehow, i still don't find this comforting. i feel SO sorry for you, being that you don't get to enjoy the snow. and yes, i feel your pain, i'm sure it's REALLY unpleasant walking around a golf course in a T-shirt while i'm freezing off vital parts of my anatomy just walking to my car. *sigh* :D j/k i know, once that initial shock of "holy crap, it's snowing!" wears off, i really don't mind it. it's actually rather pretty.

NYC1 12-09-2002 09:29 AM

Rice Hunter,

I understand you had to roll with it if thats your only car. You gotta do what you gotta do. You made it safe, and had a good interview.

I got caught a few years back in just a slight sheet of snow while driving from work. It was the scariest thing. I would put the car in 1st(with NO gas), and the car would start spinning. I thought I was gonna have to park my car and walk or get a ride. That was the last time I drive my Stang in snow. Fortunately, I have other vehicles. Plus most times you run a big risk of getting hit by some over confident or unaware driver who looses it.

MissBlondie 12-09-2002 01:06 PM


Originally posted by The Deuce
So would this be the appropriate place to brag that we are drag racing still in LA?

YES! heehee

We can drag to, we just don't stop at the end... haha i crack myself up :p

Motorhead302 12-09-2002 10:29 PM


We can drag to, we just don't stop at the end... haha i crack myself up
LMAO! that was good. you're not the only one you crack up. :D

Tod 12-09-2002 11:28 PM


Originally posted by Motorhead302
LMAO! that was good. you're not the only one you crack up. :D
*points finger*


heheh j/k

...don't stop at the end....that IS kinda funny lol.

Tod 12-09-2002 11:31 PM


Just a tad late to work that morning.
so was everyone behind you :D

zepherman 12-10-2002 02:20 AM

Whats up eveybody, good to see some of you again!

Some friends and i are trying to find some studded tires to slap onto a couple pairs of old rims so we can do some snow drags the next time it snows real good. We found a big open paved lot next to an old warehouse. Should be great. Dont let the crappy weather get ya down.:D

digital3.3 12-10-2002 04:42 AM

do what one guy i know did he took a pair of tires and put rivits(sp?) through them and them mounted them and put that tire sealant stuff in them and filled them up with air and he was off. its crazy but it was funnier than hell to see.

Motorhead302 12-10-2002 03:29 PM


*points finger*

Hey, i am not...i swear. no, really, i'm not. ok,, wait, no. ah hell. :D

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