Anyone know any sites I can pick up interior kits? Like new flooring, trim for the floors, doors, all the panel peices, etc? I want to redo my interior and I wanted all new black or dark gray. I also want to redo my dash, so, anyone know where to even buy those new?

My brother is a Euro freak and he wants to do it all in crushed velvet and I told him know. I want to redo the whole interior myself with all stock parts except the seats. I want to get nice racing seats.
As far as the dash, when I find a place with a new one, my dad does a lot of electrical work for industrial factories. One machines metal and is going to cut out a square in my dash and put in custom gauges for me. It will be a metal strip across with gauages ran across. Should look pretty neat. I'll get you pictures as soon as I purchase all this. This is my huge project! Restoring my mustang I have now which has a very nice body! Just the interior needs some help and I'm going to convert it over to EFI with a new 12 second block. I want it to be a daily driver and very reliable! Maybe even drive it more then my new truck
- Kevin