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Old 11-17-2002, 06:40 PM   #8
It's a lot like a race car
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Originally posted by MEDIK418
Do they really do this? What happens if some dweeb cop decides you were racing and you weren't? I had one tell me years ago that he could "hear" me racing so I must have been. I beat it in court but it could have been the s**ts if this law was in effect.
This law is already in place in some states. FL has some SERIOUS issues, IMO, because they've changed how street racing is defined, allowing cops to cite you for street racing when you really not.

IMO, "contest of speed' shouldn't even be on the books. It should be speeding, reckless driving, carless driving, etc. What the other person is don't has nothing to do with you. And another thing, who in the crap gave the state the right so seize assests? That's like the state coming in a taking your TV because your kid is watching a NC 17 movie.
1987 Buick T-type

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