Thread: post count poll
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Old 09-01-2002, 05:08 PM   #11
Unit 5302
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Join Date: May 1999
Posts: 5,246

You know? Kiss mine! I'm so sick of being told to lighten up when I'm not even slightly angry. It's become some sort of bullshit reply that every little prick on the MW seems to be fond of posting about every time I make a post. Unit, lighten up man, it's illegal to have an opinion on this site because of politically correct geeks like "insert user name here."

Just because I have a difference of opinion doens't mean I'm pissed. You've now accomplished the task of getting me officially pissed by attempting to scold me. In the rarity that I am actually pissed I do believe I make it known as you can see.

I'm sorry I'm not some flowery, follow the leader butt-muffin like so many politically correct people are. Telling ME to read the rules? Excuse me but it's right in the fricking rules that you don't start a thread with the same premise as a topic has already been locked down in plain view. It's antagonistic.

Damn, now that I think about it, don't even know why I'm bothering to post here. It is nice to remember why the hell I left though.
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