Thread: Race Renegade
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Old 09-09-1999, 08:32 PM   #4
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Join Date: Sep 1999
Location: Pembroke Pines, Fl USA
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Yes someone did run a 10.38 but the class was compettitive now if you dont run high 9's you might as well not run. I have to agree with alot of people that this class is getting out of hand especially with the blower cars. They are dominating this class and have so many options on which one to use nitrous cars are limited to only certain kits and on how much can be sprayed.You would have to use 2 kits and a very good bottom end and alot of money in which some people dont have to be able to go 9's in this claassi think the blower cars should be limited on how much boost they are allowed this class is gonna lose alot of people to run in it if this continuse to get this crazy alot of people are getting upset and it shouldnt be that way this class is turning into a mini outlaw class and something should be done i remember how much fun it was the first year now its no fun cause its to serious. well hope to see ya all at bradenton next year.
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