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Ackbar00 05-14-2003 03:22 PM

Got to love Ricers!!
The Race!!!

and the aftermath....

I got this from another board. I could not resist!!

gofastmercury 05-14-2003 07:31 PM


Jaegermeister2k 05-14-2003 08:18 PM

At first i thought an accident happened when i read"The race" and "the aftermath" but i saw the video and i was kinda happy no one was injured,but i still don't wish those things to anyone,not even riceboys.

1jimmy__d 05-14-2003 08:51 PM

i only had audio but i laughed my *** off!


20LbsBoost 05-14-2003 10:38 PM

What a couple of phucking morons. Only ricers would document their utter stupidity on video then post it on the net.

I love the shot where the cameramoron is holding the connecting rod and says "here is another, or bottom". He also needs to paint his nails since he grows his pinky fingernail longer than most women.

wolverine1 05-14-2003 10:53 PM

Rice crap HA HA HA HA HA:D

Ackbar00 05-15-2003 06:49 AM

wolverine1 - I bet you think you are pretty cool in that cobra dont you? That thing is PPPPHHHHAAAAATTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 thumbs up! Whatever you want to say! Do me a favor? Email me some pics

Jaegermeister2k - I agree that I never wish bad things upon (most) people. But I love how they were talking **** about the M3 and then blow the motor up right in front of him. I bet he drove by laughing his ***** off!

20LbsBoost - "What a couple of phucking morons. Only ricers would document their utter stupidity on video then post it on the net."
Yep, What you said.

tireburner163 05-15-2003 11:05 AM

I don't see how he is a ricer:confused:

Did you see that turbo? That's not stock. I've seen the other post on this car. It was probably pushing close to 400hp at the flywheel. The bottom end's of these cars are known for their weekness. It was just a matter of time before it let go.

Is he a ricer for posting it on the net? Oh my, if your right we better call anyone on this site who's ever posted a pic of a broken part a ricer.:eek: I knew it all along, that damn 88workcar is nothing but a ricer:rolleyes:

Import.......ricer. There's a difference

Ackbar00 05-15-2003 01:08 PM

OK, Mabey he is not a ricer but, he is a dipzhit. Leaving on the factory revlimiter is a bad thing. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but doesnt the factory rev limiter like pull fuel and timing out? And he was launching on that! I just like the fact that the are all cocky and then he says that "his parents are going to kill him." Now dont get me wrong, I got the Dumbazz of the year award for breaking a axle, at work, in front of 50 people, trying to do a burnout on DR's. But I cant be a ricer, because I drive a Mustang. Right??:D

1969Mach1 05-15-2003 01:14 PM

Funny stuff.... lmao... it did look pretty quick though. It pulled from that BMW pretty fast. And my dad is going to pissed comment was hillarious. First thing I would say. lol :D :D


Miss Mischief 05-15-2003 02:58 PM

Can you say moron?

20LbsBoost 05-15-2003 03:43 PM

What's the definition of "ricer" anyway? I use the term to mean any completely clueless auto enthusiast who watched The Fast & The Furious too many times and thinks something with stickers and a fart can is fast. In this case I believe the word fits to a T.

302 LX Eric 05-15-2003 03:53 PM

Didn't the engine blow while at the top of 3rd gear? I don't think it went south on launch.

Also, I don't even think the BMW was racing? It was hard to tell for sure.

I actually feel bad for the kid.

The funny part was when the passenger kept saying: "was that your engine?!?! was that your engine?!!?!?" Like, no dude, it was a flat tire.....of course it was the engine!


Miss Mischief 05-15-2003 05:09 PM


Originally posted by 302 LX Eric
Didn't the engine blow while at the top of 3rd gear? I don't think it went south on launch.

Also, I don't even think the BMW was racing? It was hard to tell for sure.

I actually feel bad for the kid.

The funny part was when the passenger kept saying: "was that your engine?!?! was that your engine?!!?!?" Like, no dude, it was a flat tire.....of course it was the engine!


Listen to the second Rev out before Launch you can hear Her tell Him she isnt tight..... On that Rev I wouldn't have launched ......

srv1 05-15-2003 07:39 PM


Originally posted by 20LbsBoost
What's the definition of "ricer" anyway? I use the term to mean any completely clueless auto enthusiast who watched The Fast & The Furious too many times and thinks something with stickers and a fart can is fast. In this case I believe the word fits to a T.
Couldnt define it better myself!

First off, you know he wasnt running any retard device(besides himself) to adjust for the boost. He had head studs, so i assume whoever built the motor, didnt know what they were doing or the kid didnt have the right ignition.

I dont think it was his parents car. Why would a parent beef up an Eclipse? I think it was his.

Ackbar00. You might have done something dumb, but at least you didnt video tape your stupidity!:D

Yes i think RICER fits this guy like a glove!:D


gofastmercury 05-15-2003 08:58 PM

We're not going to fight over this ricer thing again, are we?? I think last we did it was a 3 pager.

without seeing the outside of the car, I don't think ricer really fits this guy. It wasn't a stock lowered car with stickers and a wing. It left that M3 pretty fast, it looked to me like he was racing too. And as far as posting it, its hard to let every one see that you srcewed up, I don't hold it agaist him, but still......

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ...........

PS, (IN MY OPINION) Yes you can drive a mustang and be a ricer.

20LbsBoost 05-15-2003 09:00 PM

What evidence in the video convinces you the M3 was racing? I see nothing indicating a race.

RED92LX50 05-16-2003 07:30 AM

"What evidence in the video convinces you the M3 was racing? I see nothing indicating a race."

I think you could tell the M3 was racing by the guy in the Eclipse flashing his hazzards after he got in front!:D

Ackbar00 05-16-2003 07:52 AM


Originally posted by srv1

First off, you know he wasnt running any retard device(besides himself)

Ackbar00. You might have done something dumb, but at least you didnt video tape your stupidity!:D

That is a classic quote!!!

I glad no one did film it. Then it might end up on a import forum!:eek:

RED92LX50 05-16-2003 11:05 AM

Um, I was joking... guess it's hard to tell sometimes.

You know, the way they flash hazzards after a Ricer-flyby to show that they owned you - even if you weren't racing. At least in this case hazzards would be appropriate:)

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