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ac97gt 06-16-2003 01:13 PM

another weekend gone by and...
no one had any races to write about? :( hehe, not too many kills posted here anymore, i thought once summer came around there would be more, guess not ;p ... well i still like hearing about all your kills and whatnot so definitely post if you had a race! anyway... i wanted to know whats up with the ricer flyby.. what do they see in this? like yesterday, i was out driving around when i come to a redlight and this stupid accord is sitting next to me absolutely blasting his stereo, (bass and all) to the point that i couldnt hear my stereo or engine or anything, so needless to say i was a little pissed off... so i leave the light hard and accelerate to maybe 70... i dont think he was really trying to race, but neither was i. then im just happily cruing along at 70 when i notice in my rearview that this stupid kid is coming up on my *** hard, doing at least 90-95, which is absurd for the road which is 45mph speedlimit and doing more than 65-70 is just plain stupid, but i was already so pissed off with him that i dropped it into 3rd and hit it hard, cut into his lane and prevented his little ricer flyby. he followed me real close as i came up to the next intersection doing 110 like right on my bumper. god only knows why they think the flyby is a cool idea, but i felt damn good that he didnt get away with it. i turned on the next turn into the shopping plaza and he just gave me a dirty dirty look to which i laughed :D :D sorry this is so long.. but has anyone else had any experiences with the ricer flyby, damn its annoying:rolleyes:

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