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Old 08-06-2002, 07:11 PM   #37
It's a lot like a race car
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Location: Meridian, MS
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Fist of all, thanks a TON for all the prayers.

He's doing better IMO. The pressure on his brain has stayed in the low teens for 2 days now, but Sun. it was in the hig 20's and I think was even at 30 for a while. The swelling on this face has gone down and he looks a lot better. They say the pressure isn't as much of a deal as they thought it would be. He is stable. I honestly believe in my heart that he will not die. They said the first 48-72 hours would be the most critical and it's been more than 80 now.

Now for some bad news. Well he had 2 blood clots in his brain, on the the front part of the brain and the other on the back part. Both on the left side. They said that the clots stayed there too long(4 hours). And that they cause a brain infartion(sp?)....basicly he's got severe brain damage. From what I've heard if Merdian would have had a nerosurgen(we on have one and he was on vacation) that there would have been little to no brain damage. POS town, insurance is so high in MS that all the doctors are leaving

Just keep praying guys.

Josh, aka the tireburner
1987 Buick T-type

1998 HD Electra Elide
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