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chris91LX 11-11-2002 02:54 PM

Nitrous times, finally.
Finally got a couple runs in with the nitrous. Had mucho problems getting it to work right. First the bleeder hole that feeds nitrous up to the fpr was cloged and I was shooting straight nitrous, with no fuel:eek: I only picked up 2 tenths and 2mph and it took me about a few weeks to figure that one out. Finally got a schematic from ZEX and found that problem. Then I was popping and bucking the next trip to the track on the nitrous, but my fp gauge was broke, so I couldn't figure out where my fuel was at. Finally got that straightened out and made this run. Check out the 60', my previous best had been a 1.711.

R/T .856 (I know, it sucks)
60' 1.597
330' 4.929
1/8 7.696
mph 88.02
1000 10.059
1/4 12.046
mph 113.62

My best time on motor so far is 12.9 @ 107. This 12.04 was also done into a 15-20mph headwind, so I'm sure I can get well into the 11's with some tuning. I'm just glad I could get the nitrous working before all the tracks shut down this year, if I get to go again, I'll be gunning for the 11's:D

5.0 Pony 11-11-2002 02:58 PM

nice job! I wish i could run 12's.........

fiveohpatrol 11-11-2002 03:38 PM

awesome times man. Was it up at US41?

How big of a "shot" are you running with that Zex kit?

I still haven't had a good chance to try out the nitrous in my car, and I know it will go 11's with the 100shot on a good day. But the current combo is goin out the window, and I'm gonna try for low 12's NA and mid 11's on a 125shot next season.

We should plan an early spring mustang day up at US41, I'll definately be needing to smell some burning tires by then:D

chris91LX 11-11-2002 05:40 PM


Originally posted by fiveohpatrol
awesome times man. Was it up at US41?

How big of a "shot" are you running with that Zex kit?

Thanks. The motor run was at US 41 in the spring, the nitrous run was at Byron last Sat., just SW of Rockford, IL.

I'm running the 125 shot.

88workcar 11-11-2002 07:58 PM

CONGRADULATIONS DUDE! I will run mine Wed. I now have a third gear. I also had to weld the too top ears back on the tremac. These were broke due to a bad (very bad) tranny mount. I put all poly mounts and bushings also, and welded the torque box that a friend of mine welded up and I never inspected. Cause it was still broke. I ran 12.22 @ 111 with out third gear. I can not wait to see if I can break 11s also.

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