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coldknock 07-15-2003 06:31 PM

New member here. I gotta question.
I purchased an 89lx 302 fi. I runs fine after i get it started. The trouble is I have to psray it with starting fluid to start it. Any ideas on where to start looking before I shotgun it with new parts until it works right?

Hozer 88GTConv 07-15-2003 07:55 PM

a little more info...
A little more diagnostic info would help us help you...

describe mods if any, mileage, troubleshooting that you have performed, behavior of the car after you get it started (i.e. sluggish, misfiring, etc)

how long has the problem existed? did you put some bad gas in it?

you see where I am going with this...but it will save you time if you can be a little more specific.

Good Luck...

bottlebaby91 07-15-2003 11:39 PM

ignition module or a computer, I just went through this on my car and it tirned out to be a computer.

coldknock 07-16-2003 07:24 PM

I haven't done much but scratch my head and adjust the tps to read .99 millivolts. There is no sputtering , no problem running. It just won't start without some ether shot into it. If it had a mechanical fuel pump and carb I'd say the idle circuit in the carb was stopped up. That's not the case here. It has consistent fuel pressure throughout the rpm range (forgot the exact number of psi). All the injectors are ticking. None of the plugs show a rich or lean condition. The o2 sensor is new. I put the old one back in and borrowed one from a running car to make sure mine weren't the cause. The plugs are all firing when the engine is spun over. I'm at a loss here? If you fellas have any idea where to start I'd be very thankful.

Mountain Main 07-16-2003 11:24 PM

check for fuel pressure
I think your fuel pump is going. Do you hear your fuel pump prime it's self. Have you tried to pull any codes.

Old Guy with 87 GT 07-17-2003 06:53 AM

on these cars ,when you firste turn the key the fuel pump runs for like a second or two to bring up pressure for start up .....sounds like yours isn't ........if you have a fuel pressure gauge then check it to see if you get any pressure when you turn to key on (without cranking the engine)

if the pump doesn't come on or if it does'nt come up to pressure then it would have the above symptoms .......try that test and we'll go from there

other then that ,it might be getting a false reading from one of the temp sencers,or the bap sencor ......all three would make it harder to start but it should still start

coldknock 07-19-2003 06:46 PM

Thanks for the help guys. I hotwired the fuel pump and got no pressure. We'll be upgrading since the stock replacement costs more than an aftermarket pump.

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