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Old 04-14-2002, 10:47 PM   #17
Unit 5302
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The constant acusations of price gouging gets old, eh? Well, if they wouldn't price gouge, you wouldn't hear about accusations. I don't know anybody in there right mind that would attempt to compare a European country to the US in terms of transportation. That's ludicrious. Consumption in the US is unbelieveably higher. As it will be due to population density and space between urban centers. In Italy, chances are real good you don't need a car. In the US, chances are pretty good that a car is practically a need.

Buying in quantity, and refining in quantity makes gas less expensive here. Fluctuations in pricing are what brings price gouging into the picture. When gas changes price $0.40-0.60 in a week, and the companies give the excuse of "Anticipated Greater Demand" that is flat out gouging.

I guess if the oil companies having no excuse for price increases, having record profit years, having independant studies showing no reason for significant increases, and dropping the price immediately any time the word "investigation" is used doesn't convince you that gouging exists, nothing will.

Also, the price isn't what I truely have problems with. It's the price FIXING that I have issues with. If oil is $30/bbl then gas is going to be more. When oil is $25/bbl, remains $25/bbl and gas prices go up and down 50% depending on what the oil companies feel like charging, that's a problem.
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