Dang, you should be in the late 11's or early 12's with 410 gears.
Do you run a stick or an automatic? If you have an AOD you need to get a really good stall converter for it, and a Lentco control valve to eliminate the third gear torque converter lock up that takes a good 1/2 second off your time slips.
Let me know how it runs now. You should have 10-12 initial and a total of 32 without vacume advance. With vacume a total of no more than 42 degrees on pump gas.
Let me know how it ends up. You can email me at
Good luck and cut some time off those et's. I am expecting mid 12's with my combination on my next run. I am running 3.25 gears and a C-4 with 2,000 RPM stall converter. I could pick up a half second with a 3k stall and slicks.