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Old 04-09-2003, 01:25 PM   #12
Mr 5 0
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Smile Patriotism, Civil Wars and political ideas


Thanks for the kind words. I'm a longtime fan of Sean Hannity as well as Rush Limbaugh but I don't have a lot of time to listen to them these days.

The San Francisco war protestors actions bordered on seditious as they were attempting to block shipments to the U.S. military in Iraq, which is illegal as well as immoral as some of those shipments consisted of humanitarian aid for Iraq. I find it ironic that while today (4/9) newly free Iraqi citizens dance in the streets and pull down statues of Saddam Hussein, the clueless, self-righteous leftie protestors would have kept Saddam in power to continue murdering an estimated 200,000 Iraqi citizens a year. Events in Iraq are showing these leftist anti-war people as well as the rerst of the world how happy the Iraqi people are to see the Americans and be rid of Saddam Hussein. We don't want to control them, take their oil or their land and as that becomes more clear, Iraqis will continue to embarce the fall of Saddam at the hands of the coalition.

Some more good news on the homefront: According to a new CNN poll, President Bush enjoys a 70% job approval rating this week and 80% of the respondents consider Bush a strong and decisive leader. No surprise - because he is.

Crazy Horse:

The 1861-65 U.S. Civil War may have been fought over a lot reasons, from taxes to states rights, but slavery was always a part of the conflict between the states and it did end during the war, whether that was the intent of the war, or not. I'm not going to debate the origins of the U.S. Civil War, I'm just making the observation that America was the first nation to voluntarily end slavery and that it occured within the framework of a civil war.

MidNiteBlu 5.0:

If you're not careful, you might even learn something from one of those long-winded political threads.
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1990 - 2005
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