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Old 08-21-2001, 05:28 PM   #1
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Talking Best moment in your stang?

I was thinking about all the times I have been in my car just happy to be driving it.

One time in particular sticks out though.

It was 0300 in the morning, middle of december and I was in bed not sleeping but not really awake either. My phone rang and I shot out of bed to answer stang was waiting to be picked up from the shipping truck! I hopped into my 89 escort (on it's last legs) and went to the parking lot a few blocks away.
I paid the shippers and they lowered it off the truck...It was in perfect condition and I couldn't find a single scratch on it. I got into it and fired her up...My cluch leg was shaking a little, part due to my excitement, part because I had never felt such a stiff clutch! I gave it the same amount of gas as I would with the escort ,let out the clutch quick, and I smoked the tires inadvertantly for a good 3 seconds or so!

In 40 degree weather, I dropped the top and cruised for over an hour. I was freezing, tired, but loving every minute of it.

After years of beaters and basically having car envy from having underpowered vehicles, I finally got my stang!

I won't forget that night anytime soon...had to be the best time I have had with it.

Anyone else had a memorable moment like that?
(yeah, I am bored at work at the moment)
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